Tag Archives: Renado

In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 21: Triforce of Power


In yo’ face, Ganondorf!

Hope you enjoyed. Still an epilogue coming up.

A side note: whenever I clicked on ‘add link’ here in the post creation screen… I giggled. I admit it.

This chapter felt… repetitive. I was so anxious to fit in all the dramatic lines that I think some points were kind of hammered in. And the Franz didn’t get the kick-butt speech that I wanted him to, because I forgot what it was about. It was something about unity, anyway.

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 16: The Ancients

How to lose weight fast! Want to lose 5 lbs in 5 days? Just get RPG Maker (which was 50% off on Steam a week ago) and you’ll never want to do anything else again, including eat and sleep!

But I finished this chapter, although it is not as good as I would like. I really wasn’t sure where it was going. For some reason my outline seems more dynamic than the story itself.

Not sure how to show Rana, since I don’t want her to either take over the story or be annoying, and also Link’s supposed to be kind of oblivious to what she’s actually feeling. For now, at least. It was fun to write Impa and Darunia, though! (Impa, stop throwing tantrums.) And now we get to find out where they’ve been, and Shoza, too. I keep forgetting what things Link already knows, though. Like… “has he figured out Ganondorf was behind everything yet?” or “does he know about Ruto?” both of which were answered a couple chapters ago. : P

It might be helpful to know that Love Over Gold by Dire Straits is Rana’s theme song. : ) Also I think she’s going to have a ‘snap back to her true being’ moment sometime soon, because girl needs it, yo. Continue reading

In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 14: It’s Always Spiders

Yay, another chapter! This one might be slightly shorter. I left out most of the temple. Because.

I have so many characters I can’t fit them all comfortably in the screen. Seriously. I guess that means I’m too unfocused, and I should be writing more about Link and what he’s thinking and feeling. But… Saria! and Midna! and Franz! and Navi! These people are all important! And Rana, too, I guess. Lol j/k I like her too. She’s going through a difficult spot, but she seems to be getting better. We’ll see how things end up by the final chapter. Can’t wait for it! (and continued apologies to people who anti-ship Link/OC. I don’t mind other ships, just this story happens to be a Link/OC ship.)

“And fun was had by all” is possibly the most OOC line in this whole story, but it’s also one of the ones I’ve enjoyed writing the most so far. Heh.

I gave Franz his magic whistle in character development, but now it just seems like an excuse for Link to be lazy. To which I say, lol, why not.

It is stupidly hot in here. Agh. I didn’t go anywhere all day and I am happy with this decision. I did read the Portal 2: The Final Hours thingy, and it was pretty cool. : )

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 9: The Prince From Labrynna

Man, I have to say, I love writing banter between Colin and Link and assorted other people. I feel I’m reasonably pleased with this chapter. Although now I’ve forgotten all the things I was going to say about it. I stayed up all night again! This is probably bad for my skin and my mental health, but it’s okay. I’m creationing. I deal with it later.




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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 7: Sick Zora

Whoo! Today was eventful. I posted the last chapter, and then I went for a run, and it was great, and then I wrote the next chapter, and then I went to practice organ and found out that I’m rushing all through the fugue in my beloved Buxtehude C major, and now I’m back and just edited this last chapter. I really want to keep practicing organ. But I was sweating like a pig in that organ loft, which was still warm even though it was long past sunset. Man. But recording things really works in showing up things that aren’t right. So I’ll keep working on that!


So we’ll see how many chapters I write tomorrow. I didn’t get around to doing laundry, so I’ll have to do that tomorrow morning before I go on a run, hopefully a run with my friend, and then in the evening I am considering going back to the church and practicing some more even though it’s not my normal practice day. If I go late enough at night, no one will know or care. : )

I do want to keep writing. I wrote 12,000 words today, according to my Camp NaNoWriMo profile! Hee! If I do that much tomorrow, then I’ll have introduced Franz to the story! I’m excited for Franz. I keep adding characters, and Twilight Princess is already full of interesting characters! Just wait until the Resistance shows up! But anyway, in this chapter, Midna has some things to say, and Navi and Rana have some things to say back to her. o_O Goron Link also gets a cameo, heh. And can you guess what talisman Midna is talking about that protects against the Twilight? Here’s a hint… it’s not from Twilight Princess… it’s from a much earlier game! XD

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 6: Strength

Yay, another chapter done! I think I can finish another one tonight. I think the battle at the beginning of this one is pretty good, partly because I went and watched someone playing through that scene. It helped make the mood of the scene more immediate for my writing. Hope it shows! Oh yeah, and also this chapter is the end of rewriting old stuff. From here out, it’s all new!

I also used these pictures as some inspiration, not directly, but just for the heroic tone that Link carries with him. Also you may enjoy this cute.

Let’s see, today I also have several emails to write, a run to go on, laundry to take care of, and organ practice to do.

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 5: Epona’s Return

I went to Sunfest yesterday! So I didn’t get any writing done. Or editing this chapter to post here. But I did listen to some great French-Canadian music (Genticorum is cool!) and a live salsa band and a crazy Romanian band.

Chapter 6 is being hard and I’m only a couple pages in. : P


Chapter 4: Faith


Chapter 5: Epona’s Return

There was an air vent out of the basement, and he used it to struggle out into the open.

He emerged behind the chicken coop and sniffed experimentally. He couldn’t sense any other pieces of Light in the area, and hoped he was done with collecting it.

He was on his way to the Spirit’s Pool, which was tucked away into a corner of the canyon – if it had been there when he’d visited Kakariko before, he could understand why he missed it. Goddesses, the last time he’d visited the place felt like it was in a past life. Continue reading

In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 4: Faith

Another chapter for you guys! Gonna make a start on the next one.


Chapter 3: Martyr Complex


Chapter 4: Faith

Link scrambled to his feet, shaking his head to clear it. His sword was already in his hand, although he didn’t remember drawing it.

Before him stood a mighty Stalfos, with eyes glowing blue, and ancient, weathered armour hanging off its bones. The plates of the armour were covered in intricate designs, including the Triforce. Link guessed this must have been a great Knight of Hyrule. It was too bad it was dead and evil, now.

Navi, Rana, and Naeri were nowhere in sight. In fact, the two of them stood in a vast foggy plain, with rocky scrub beneath their feet.

“Link,” said a voice, and the jaws of the Stalfos moved. The voice was hardly deeper than his own, not what he expected from the tall warrior spirit that stood before him.

“Huh?” Link said stupidly. Continue reading