Tag Archives: Franz of Labrynna

In the Shadows Beyond This World: Epilogue

Well. That’s that. Thanks for reading!

This story clocked in at 129,360 words, or at least that’s how many words I wrote on it since July 2, easily making it the longest thing I’ve ever written, certainly the longest thing I’ve written in one month to this date. Although this epilogue could have been longer, but I ran out of ‘feeling like doing dialogue’ halfway through, even though the dialogue at the beginning was okay. : P Maybe I’ll go rewrite that part later.

Now to do some other projects… to list them, I have:

– 6 pianos arrangements

– A collaborative writing project with Rose, Jenna, Yllamse, and Gaby

– Drawing! Especially art for the games I’m making, and learning how to draw humans in proper perspective, and fanart of whatever I feel like (ZELDAZELDAZELDA)

– Using RPG Maker to make a Fire Emblem game

– Possibly working on my two remaining Fire Emblem 7 novels

– NOT making plans to write a story about the Hero who fought the Shadow Tribe and broke the Fused Shadow at the cost of his own life… darnit…

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 21: Triforce of Power


In yo’ face, Ganondorf!

Hope you enjoyed. Still an epilogue coming up.

A side note: whenever I clicked on ‘add link’ here in the post creation screen… I giggled. I admit it.

This chapter felt… repetitive. I was so anxious to fit in all the dramatic lines that I think some points were kind of hammered in. And the Franz didn’t get the kick-butt speech that I wanted him to, because I forgot what it was about. It was something about unity, anyway.

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 20: Storming the Castle

Omg dramaaaaaa. Drama llama!

Who else was beginning to find King Bulbin kind of cute after he revealed that he wasn’t just a mindless monster after all? : D

So I wasn’t really feeling these boss fights. I think partly because I want them to be really good, so I wasn’t sure about what to put to make it ‘really good’. After all, we’ve been waiting the whole story for these fights!

Stole some dialogue from Wind Waker. It’s good dialogue.

The music when Midna makes her move is just so heartbreaking… The track is only a few seconds long, but it is such a perfect background for the action. Also I kind of like the weird ‘tribal’ music for Gannon, heehee.

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 19: Twilight Helm

Yeah, things are really picking up! Two more chapters to go, and an epilogue! I’ll be done by tomorrow!

Obviously, it has been spelled out that the Hero from the past is Link from LttP. He also happens to be, in this headcanon, the Link from Four Swords and Minish Cap and the Oracle games. …I haven’t played Minish Cap. But I’ve played Oracle of Ages, and I have both Oracle mangas (whooo Raven is hot whooo), and I don’t think it’s too farfetched to stitch all these together into one boy. One extra note, which I may have mentioned before… That Link married Zelda, so I totally support Zelink here, for you Zelink shippers. : )

Speaking of shipping, I have the idea that Midna and Zant are cousins, and one of the inappropriate things that he did was attempt to court her. : P

I only started using RPG Maker a week ago, and I’ve already logged 60 hours on it. o_O Of course, at least an hour or two of that was just listening to the music, but still! The next longest playtime I have on a Steam game is KotOR II with 50 hours, and that’s because KotOR II is ridiculously long. Wow.

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 18: The Dark World

It should be abundantly clear that the Twilight Realm is heavily based on the Dark World from A Link to the Past (and it should be becoming clear that the Hero from the past is the Hero to the Past, if you know what I mean), to the point where the Twilight Princess geography barely even matters except for the Sols.

Hoping to write another couple chapters tonight, after I’ve slept and done some organ practice! Huzzah! We’re almost at the end, and things are picking up again! In fact, this chapter is super short in comparison to the monsters I’ve been writing. The next one will probably be pretty short too, but I can’t make promises about that. In any case, I don’t want to stop, but I’m a bit sleepy, so I should and recharge my batteries for the next chapter!

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 17: The Sky’s Loft

So I have no idea what on earth came over Franz at the beginning of this chapter. If it sounds like it was written in a state of still-sleep-deprived insanity, it probably was.

Also Link’s parents just decided they should be important. Although I’m not sure when his mother is showing up. In person, I mean.

I totally support Shad/Ashei. : )

This chapter turned out to be unexpectedly long. Good thing I skipped 95% of the dungeon!

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 16: The Ancients

How to lose weight fast! Want to lose 5 lbs in 5 days? Just get RPG Maker (which was 50% off on Steam a week ago) and you’ll never want to do anything else again, including eat and sleep!

But I finished this chapter, although it is not as good as I would like. I really wasn’t sure where it was going. For some reason my outline seems more dynamic than the story itself.

Not sure how to show Rana, since I don’t want her to either take over the story or be annoying, and also Link’s supposed to be kind of oblivious to what she’s actually feeling. For now, at least. It was fun to write Impa and Darunia, though! (Impa, stop throwing tantrums.) And now we get to find out where they’ve been, and Shoza, too. I keep forgetting what things Link already knows, though. Like… “has he figured out Ganondorf was behind everything yet?” or “does he know about Ruto?” both of which were answered a couple chapters ago. : P

It might be helpful to know that Love Over Gold by Dire Straits is Rana’s theme song. : ) Also I think she’s going to have a ‘snap back to her true being’ moment sometime soon, because girl needs it, yo. Continue reading

In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 15: Triumph of the Geeks

This is a short chapter and it still took a whole day to write… I thought it would have more content, but then plot points got all mixed up and streamlined to make more sense. Also the way I wrote the outline took up as much space as the other chapter outlines, but had more detail and therefore less stuff.

Also Stephen Merchant (voice of Wheatley) should be the voice actor for Shad if they did a movie of this particular game. : D

Oh well. We’re getting a bit of a reveal. More next time!

Here’s a cat.

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 14: It’s Always Spiders

Yay, another chapter! This one might be slightly shorter. I left out most of the temple. Because.

I have so many characters I can’t fit them all comfortably in the screen. Seriously. I guess that means I’m too unfocused, and I should be writing more about Link and what he’s thinking and feeling. But… Saria! and Midna! and Franz! and Navi! These people are all important! And Rana, too, I guess. Lol j/k I like her too. She’s going through a difficult spot, but she seems to be getting better. We’ll see how things end up by the final chapter. Can’t wait for it! (and continued apologies to people who anti-ship Link/OC. I don’t mind other ships, just this story happens to be a Link/OC ship.)

“And fun was had by all” is possibly the most OOC line in this whole story, but it’s also one of the ones I’ve enjoyed writing the most so far. Heh.

I gave Franz his magic whistle in character development, but now it just seems like an excuse for Link to be lazy. To which I say, lol, why not.

It is stupidly hot in here. Agh. I didn’t go anywhere all day and I am happy with this decision. I did read the Portal 2: The Final Hours thingy, and it was pretty cool. : )

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In the Shadows Beyond This World: Chapter 13: Frostbite

Gah, another chapter that took forever. Mostly because I was putting off the awkward conversations. This chapter is pretty huge. I’m feeling a real urge to go and do other things instead of write. Come on, write, darnit! Not going to get to the end if I stop in the middle!

Also yeah Rana probably should be dead, but this is my story so I say she isn’t. Except it always bothers me when writers do that, expose their characters to heat or cold and expect them to survive normally. Bah. So I guess that means I hate my writing?

Going to try to finish another chapter anyway, despite this ridiculous heat. Ughhhhh. And I still haven’t drawn Franz yet.

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