Tag Archives: Lyon

Frelia’s Finest: Part 3 (rewrite)

Part 1 this way

Part 2 this way


Part 3


Joshua was Prince of Jehanna.

Well. I hadn’t seen that one coming. It was almost a bigger shock than Eirika rejecting me. Actually, Joshua was having far worse a day than I was, because he was no sooner revealed to us as Prince than he became King as well, for his mother Ismaire died in his arms.

I formally gave him the letter from my father, and then someone set the hall on fire.

The first we knew of it was a soldier came rushing up to all us royals. “Sire! Sire! Fires have broken out all through the hall!”

“What!?” cried the new King. This was too much for him. His mentor betraying him, his mother dying – he needed someone to help him out.

“Someone soaked the wall hangings in oil and set fire to them! It’s a deathtrap!”

“We must get out!” I called, turning towards Tana and her winged horse.

“Mother… no… I will return…” Joshua cried. Seth was already pulling him onto his horse. Where was Eirika? Oh, with L’Arachel. She was all right. Continue reading

Lyon and the Shadows

Wh-what - Wh-who are you?

Wh-what – Wh-who are you?

This is a depiction of Lyon encountering the Demon King for perhaps the first time. The black tendrils of shadow are coiling around him, probably whispering strange and arcane things. Lyon’s kind of scared, but he’s doing experiments in the name of peace – it’s to cure his sick father. Unfortunately… well, bad things happen. Poor Lyon.

I actually like this picture better than the previous one, but I don’t like that way of doing hair very much.

Happy Lyon

Nice to meet you, Eirika, Ephraim.

Nice to meet you, Eirika, Ephraim.

Lyon! The Prince of Grado from Fire Emblem 8 gets some more paper time. I wanted to draw him happy because he comes across as a pretty tragic character in the game: in love with Eirika, beating himself up for being physically weak and losing to Ephraim (and Eirika) all the time, even though they’re both terrific friends and he knows it, and he appreciates it, etc. Also his father getting sick and dying doesn’t help. He’s far too sensitive to be an Emperor, but with his friends’ help, he could have made it. As a sensitive Emperor, he would have listened to his people very carefully. Instead, the Demon King ate his soul. Blah. So, this is him being happy because he doesn’t get to be often enough.

I used his game sprite for a reference for his hair again, and his clothes. His face came out a bit long.

The Prince’s Despair

Naglfar is very destructive, but kinda preeeetty...

Naglfar is very destructive, but kinda preeeetty…

This is undoubtedly one of my favourite – no, my favourite Fire Emblem 8: The Sacred Stones pictures. It’s called The Prince’s Despair after one of my favourite songs from the game, which is the desperate, longing, turmoil of Prince Lyon’s theme, except when he’s been taken over by the evil Demon King. The music inspired a slightly different picture, though.

In this picture, Lyon has been dumped by the Demon King (hopefully with his soul intact) and now fights alongside Eirika, Ephraim, and co. Although the scale is massively off (just look at Altha, Seth’s horse) the detail I put into some of this makes me feel good. And Lyon looks like Lyon. He’s the one in front, with long hair and a spell-book. Behind him is Eirika, and behind her is Ephraim, who is somehow bigger than she is, and behind him is a distorted Seth on a distorted Altha, and in the back corner are Prince Innes and Syrene the Frelian pegasus commander. Ephraim’s head looks good.

I love that music. Too bad the actual theme part is all of one line long. The rest is just disturbing chordal sequences. Yes, I think the music in FE 8 has a higher hit-to-filler ratio than FE 7, in that there are about half the number of songs, but more of them are memorable and exciting/beautiful/thrilling/on my favourite list.