Tag Archives: Joshua

Frelia’s Finest: Part 3 (rewrite)

Part 1 this way

Part 2 this way


Part 3


Joshua was Prince of Jehanna.

Well. I hadn’t seen that one coming. It was almost a bigger shock than Eirika rejecting me. Actually, Joshua was having far worse a day than I was, because he was no sooner revealed to us as Prince than he became King as well, for his mother Ismaire died in his arms.

I formally gave him the letter from my father, and then someone set the hall on fire.

The first we knew of it was a soldier came rushing up to all us royals. “Sire! Sire! Fires have broken out all through the hall!”

“What!?” cried the new King. This was too much for him. His mentor betraying him, his mother dying – he needed someone to help him out.

“Someone soaked the wall hangings in oil and set fire to them! It’s a deathtrap!”

“We must get out!” I called, turning towards Tana and her winged horse.

“Mother… no… I will return…” Joshua cried. Seth was already pulling him onto his horse. Where was Eirika? Oh, with L’Arachel. She was all right. Continue reading