Tag Archives: Tinfang Warble

Tinfang Warble

Those dots are supposed to be stars which are supposed to be blue

Those dots are supposed to be stars which are supposed to be blue

Tinfang Warble is a spirit, a fae, as I think Tolkien was calling them at the time, who plays the flute and the stars come out early, bright, and blue when he does. I think he’s in the Book of Lost Tales Part I. I especially like the poem with the refrain “the tunes of Tinfang Warble!” Apparently his music is so addicting it’s almost a physical need to follow him and hear more. I gave him extra-long ears because of his fae-ishness, and two pipes because those things are cool, and sitting on an (iridescent) giant mushroom over a pool based on an image in the poem. I think parts turned out rather well, although from this one and the last one you can see I’m no good at backgrounds. Oh, yes, and I didn’t give him a beard even though his name means “sparkly beard”. I’ve been working on a colour version, but it’s not progressed for about a year now.