Tag Archives: Sons of Elrond

Elladan and Elrohir

The twin Sons of Elrond show their stuff

The twin Sons of Elrond show their stuff



I was given these two, the Sons of Elrond, for Christmas – but I don’t remember which Christmas. Anyway, here they are in all their mediocrely painted glory, and whichever the tabs on the bases say they are, they’re the opposite. I think Elrohir is the one in red. Yes, yes, he is. So Elladan is the one in yellow.

When I first started painting these guys, Elladan I base coated his tunic orange. That looked awful. Dad suggested brown. This was done using the Citadel paints, as we had acquired some in the interim between the Silver Helms and these. They were much easier to use, as I found the Tamiya rather watery. (Citadel is for those who want instant results) It was also Dad’s idea that the blades of the swords be plain metal, as these are metal miniatures. You’ll see this on probably every single metal model I get. I just sanded it, but due to inexperience I didn’t cover them when they were sprayed black (undercoat) so they needed to be sanded again, and it was a lot harder the second time! I also got some advice from various people about highlighting black hair, and some people suggested blue, because grey or white will make the hair look dark grey instead of black, but I think I did okay. Used Flesh Wash on the faces, and the first time Elladan looked “like he had a head wound” so most of his was removed and painted the layering way.

I really, really like Elrohir’s tunic.

The Sons of Elrond

Few could tell them apart

Few could tell them apart

These are Elladan and Elrohir, and as I said if you wave your mouse over the picture, few could tell them apart. I certainly can’t. By Christmas I had miniatures of them, but the next batch of those I’ll be putting up are of someone else. Oooh. So the one on the left, I think, is Elrohir, and the one on the right is Elladan.

And while I’m at it, this picture marks the start of a new sketchbook.