Tag Archives: Sally

Super Team

Together, fighting vague evilness and corruption. Whoo!

Together, fighting vague evilness and corruption. Whoo!

These people appeared in a dream one night. From left to right, Leonardo, the strong guy. Quiet and reliable. Next is either Monica or Melinda, I can’t remember which. I think it was Monica. She’s the planner – very logical and quick-thinking. Next is Pi, a cat-girl who can fly. Finally is Sally, a sweet little girl who can infiltrate any facility with ease and innocence. She’s really very devious. The plot is something about Leonardo and Monica becoming orphaned and sent off to an evil government run orphanage and then busting out to prove that Leonardo was framed for a murder. Pi helps them get out and then just tags along – she has no family but never looks uncheerful. Sally is the daughter of some rich guy and she runs away because she feels caged. She is very self-reliant for an eight-year-old.

I’m afraid all this sounds terribly cliché, but hey, it was a dream. Also I know Leo is strong because he picked up a tree trunk.