Tag Archives: Renee

You Will Know Our Names…?

Felt like doing Ceniro and Renee again, and to confirm that the massive FE7 group portrait in the works should NOT be head on… but from the side. When I get around to it. *shivers* (music) Used a Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton art for reference, but Renee still turned out off-perspective. Oh well.

This also should not have taken as long as it did. : P Next project: add Akuliina to the header. After that, we’ll see if I have any energy left.

Anima’s Seal OC Designs


Original characters from Anima’s Seal. You’ve already seen Renee and Rigel. I drew those two relatively close to this character design art, but the other two, Milton and Freya, I drew last night and just now. Well, Milton’s head and shoulders I drew with Renee and Rigel, but I didn’t finish the rest of him until today. (Click for larger image) Continue reading

Renee and Rigel


Got a bit annoyed with my lack of completing anything, and then Renee, one of my OCs in Anima’s Seal told me she was bi and that Rigel, another OC, was super-cute, and then this happened. : D So please welcome my fourth non-straight pairing, Renee and Rigel! (The other three are: Eoelva and Aieru, Rain Tabris and Sarah Amell, and Pericles Katsaros (with Yllamse’s Caibu Westrin).) But these two! Are they not cute as buttons? : D

Renee is a forthright young lady, a graduate of the Ostia Academy and one of Lord Garlent’s pupils (and therefore a former classmate of Ceniro’s). She fights with a spear (Recruit, Tier 3, level 5 (or Halberdier, level 5, but they don’t exist in FE7)(although neither do Recruits)) and stands up against bullies *coughmiltoncough*, but while cheerful, eager to prove herself, and justice-seeking, will not hold back from giving her peers *coughcenirocough* a tongue-lashing if she feels they messed up. Ambitious, but slightly more emotional than she herself would like, although she is learning to embrace it and channel it into her battles.

Rigel is a young student of elder magic (Shaman, level 18) who is vastly curious about the world. She is looking for the topic of her third thesis, and considers herself a scholar first and foremost, and a fighter not at all. As such, she tends not to listen to Ceniro’s commands at all, and to Renee’s only with coaxing, making her a frustrating unit to work with. She can flip-flop from frightened and awkward to self-confident and knowledgeable, almost coy, in the blink of an eye, and is quite good at putting her foot in her mouth.

I’m also working on character designs for Milton and Freya on a bit sheet that also includes Renee and Rigel, so that will hopefully happen tomorrow. I’ve also been plugging away at the group picture of the III/III so that might be done in the next month or so. : P But right now it’s 3AM and my hand hurts, and I also want to work on my Flairé cosplay mock-up tomorrow. Also J-rock is great.