Tag Archives: recital

Recital Poster 2010



Well, it’s not the exact same as I had in my head (maybe I should have gone with the first sketch after all) but it is finished and hopefully it is recognizable in some small way.

I must run or else I will be late for Ling. Which would be terrible because Ling is so cool. D :

(Much later, after Ling and Lat and teaching) I want to draw a picture of a Nintendo-character orchestra performing Mozart’s Requiem. That would be fantastic.

Ahem. Abou the picture – well, I fixed the Op. number on the Beethoven and added a date so people know when to actually show up. : P I don’t think it really looks like me. Except that it does bear a frightening resemblance.

Mom says that it looks like me… except elf-y-er. (X-man says that it looks rather “Faerie tale”, which I suppose is the same thing) So… if all my elf drawings look vaguely like me, and I draw myself vaguely like my elves… well, firstly that means I have a lot of practice drawing my elves. But what else does it mean? (tries not to overthink this. … … …)