Tag Archives: Raïsa

The Devourer’s Claw

Raïsa, the Dragoon of Death, who is the Claw of the Devourer as Reid is the Eye of the Devourer. She’s not normally so covered in fire, so she must be really pissed about something. I just wanted to paint her with maximum sparkly drama. She wields a rapier of pure shadow, and the raven skull on her chestplate is actually part of a necklace she wears when out of dragoon form.

The DM specifically requested I paint this major NPC, and he’s really happy with the picture. Heavily influenced by Rose from Legend of Dragoon (especially head and boots), but with other visual inspirations as well – Dark Souls for the torso armour, Kerrigan for the arms, and I forget what else I stole from.