Tag Archives: Player

Where the Heart Is

The other fic that’s been flopping around my skull since Carmen Sandiego Season 4 came out on Netflix. I liked the ending, but my shipper heart couldn’t decide if I liked Carmen/Gray or Carmen/Julia more. So, in the spirit of ProZD solving anime, here is a bisexual Carmen polyamory fic. And I fully acknowledge that should they come out with more show or spin-offs, this will almost 100% be non-canon, but eh, it’s just for fun.

I did the bare minimum of research for this fic; all my research juice is going towards Reid’s stories (currently agonizing over whether he wears shoes on a regular basis or not, and even more about socks). Also literally nothing happens except talking, because this is entirely self-indulgent low-effort fluff. Huzzah!


Where the Heart Is

Chapter 1: Gray

The bells on the door of the convenience store jangled as the slightly stocky young man pushed in casually, hands in pockets. He strolled over to the pop, then to the ice cream, then turned around and nearly bumped into the young woman with the red hoodie absent-mindedly browsing behind him. “Whoops, sorry- Carmen!?Continue reading