Tag Archives: Pit

Pit and Link

Badly drawn heads float in preparation for their Wii debut

Badly drawn heads float in preparation for their Wii debut

So I’m so far behind that I decided may as well just put it up. Um, let’s see. I guess the new Super Smash Bros. Brawl site had just gone up, and I decided to draw Pit because he looked really cool. He’s Greek! Huzzah! Except he didn’t come out nearly right, and then I tried TP Link, but he didn’t work either. Too bad this is only Pit’s second incarnation – it’s really cool, but he’s so old – the first games came out in 8-bit or whatever! It’s a bit painful. Oh, well. He’s getting some recognition now. And I understand the first game is insanely hard (as most early games are) due to not-quite-perfect game mechanics, etc.