Tag Archives: Murlesson

Devil’s Due: Part 14: The Trouble with Hutts

Threw in a bit of episodic ‘monster of the week’ adventure; I edited a bit of last chapter to smooth out the set-up. It’s maybe a bit on the cheesy side, but at least it’s original cheese? Nanowrimo has been good so far; I’m almost done the next chapter as well.

Part 13: Historical Destroyer


Part 14: The Trouble with Hutts

Quesh was a disgusting cesspool of poison and smoke, but it was as far as his apprentices had managed to run after being caught stealing. Murlesson was angry, but he supposed it had been bound to happen sooner or later. Especially with a prize like the key to Thanaton’s meditation chamber. What had they been thinking!? And yet their audacity was encouraging. If they survived this, he’d start treating them like actual apprentices. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 13: Historical Destroyer

Ah, a slow, self-indulgent chapter, considering there is NO main story quest in it at all lol. Hope you like Ashara! I realize they wouldn’t put all this slow resource management and development in an action rpg, but I’m making use of it because I think way too much about logistics in stories. And then, oops, an action scene showed up out of nowhere. Do you think it’s too big? I kind of wanted it to be shorter.

I did a bit of a dumb a few days ago; I stayed up late reading the MOST AMAZING Rurouni Kenshin/Star Wars fanfic ever; but the upshot of it was “I need to consider the Force ambience more” because the author makes it seem so effortless how the Force-users see through the Force as naturally as with their eyes, so I went back and edited all the previous chapters in a tiny way (I don’t have the energy to do a big rework right now).

Listened to a lot of Disturbed writing this! I have two new CDs and they make good background music, though I’m planning to use some of it more thematically later…

Part 12: The Maiden and the Assassins


Chapter 13: Historical Destroyer

Maliss’s smirk widened into a smug grin as Murlesson dismounted the speeder bike, Ashara following him. “Excellent. Truly remarkable. My lord, you are utterly clever and resourceful. You turned the Jedi!”

This could get complicated very quickly if he didn’t shut it down. “If this is what it looks like, you should know that you’re not going to live very long.” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 12: The Maiden and the Assassins

You may already have noticed that I changed the location from Taris to Yavin 4. That’s because I don’t think Taris really fits what the Inquisitor is trying to do, even if I realize the game has to go there for mechanical reasons. So… Yavin 4, which has a decent Legacy trove of lore to draw on. Hopefully this doesn’t clash with the expansion that I’ll probably never ever play, lol. And I have detailed criticisms of basically every part of the Taris missions. I could pick them apart for pages… or I could just post this chapter, and you can see my criticisms in what I decided to change (N.B. not all changes are criticisms, but all criticisms are changes).

I’ve really been looking forward to finally getting Ashara in here! I love her as a character. I don’t know what she’s like Dark Side, but Light Side she’s a bundle of fun.

There’s another scene here that I’ve been looking forward to which is exclusive to Murlesson; I’m sure you’ll know it when you read it. Here’s the music you should be listening to with it muahahahahaha… It’s written as a 1:1 cutscene with the music, so if you read super fast, it will line up if you press play at “He was a brave man to have penetrated these forgotten depths alone…” but I don’t recommend reading it super fast, I spent a lot of time on that part! XD

I was actually going to have this chapter out earlier but I got stuck on the fight scenes. (and lots of life events going on – I moved to a new apartment! Which event promptly kicked the mental stuffing out of me) Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 11: Into the Shadows

Why yes hello I also write about emo Sith bois once in a while (wow it’s been a whole year!)

I’ve been having a rough start to the fall so I figured why not channel my wild mood swings and general depression into something that benefits from negativity? So here we go, let’s crank the Corpse Party OST and plumb the dark depraved depths of BioWare’s garbage writing!

This chapter was one of the most important ones for giving the Inquisitor back some agency. In the game, they just run off at Thanaton’s order, almost get killed, and then Grandpa shows up to save them and yell at them for being stupid when the player isn’t allowed any other choice? I don’t like that. If BioWare’s pretending I’m playing a cunning, scheming character, that’s bad writing. I also don’t like getting scraped off the floor by Kaal and Corrin because the Inquisitor was too dumb to plan any sort of escape route (in b4 anyone complains that there was no time to execute an escape route), even if I do like the part where the Inquisitor straight up dies-but-not (cockroach like). The confrontation wasn’t the worst writing ever, it was just lazy. So I’m adding some proper drama.

Researching ambiance; Thanaton show-down music!

Part 10: Lord Kallig


Part 11: Into the Shadows Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 10: Lord Kallig

Right, now I feel like I’ve accomplished something. On to work on other things! Probably back to FFXIV fic, gotta work on my Hallowe’en cosplay some more, etc. etc.

Part 9: A Compendium of Jedi


Part 10: Lord Kallig

Aristheron crouched over him. “Are you hurt?”

“No,” Murlesson grunted, though it wasn’t entirely true. “Question, if I might.”

“Ask.” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 9: A Compendium of Jedi

Okay so Tatooine is the most boring planet for Sith Inquisitor; all you do is meet Andronikos. I already covered that, so there’s nothing of importance left. Alderaan is slightly more interesting, I guess; it’s going to leave Murlesson pretty jaded on the topic of romance if nothing else. So… Aristheron gets more screentime! (I promise this is not actually another Sith Warrior story)

I just really want to get to the Zash showdown asap, is that so bad anyway? D:

Part 8: An Arrogant Worm


Part 9: A Compendium of Jedi

The detour to Korriban was going to take a lot longer than just going straight to Alderaan. He was half-tempted to search for the artifact on Alderaan first and return to Dromund Kaas by way of Korriban, but by then the situation might have changed. He just needed to get back to Alderaan before Zash reached Tatooine, or else she would be suspicious. Which meant that his infiltration had to go flawlessly. And then there was Khem’s request that he might as well take care of at the same time… Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 8: An Arrogant Worm

Occam’s Razor, bishies!

Also daddy issues. Damn.

May edit minor things.

Part 7: Tears of the Devil


Part 8: An Arrogant Worm

He walked only part of the way back to Sundari before he ran into an Imperial patrol. “Oi! You there!”

“Lord Murlesson!” At least they recognized him. “You’re alive! Lord Aristheron feared the worst!” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 7: Tears of the Devil

Okay, so I get that the whole ‘colicoid serum’ thing (which sounds like it’s going to give you an STD, or maybe tuberculosis, honestly) is supposed to be for Inquisitor players who want to be mad scientists. But this is even more ridiculous than giving us magic rocks. C’mon BioWare! I’m still thinking over the final solution (with friends, irl, because the more brains on this the better).

Despite all this, there’s a lot of interesting stuff in this chapter that I’m really looking forward to!

Part 6: How to Start a Cult


Part 7: Tears of the Devil

He stepped out of the spaceport and was met with the smell of smoke. Looking around, one thing was abundantly clear. Whatever Balmorra had been thousands of years ago, the city of Sobrik was a poverty-stricken war-torn Imperial military mudhole today. And his artifact this time was in an untouched Sith sanctum… under a busted toxic waste disposal facility. He glared at the orange-tinted dawn sky in dissatisfaction with his lot. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 6: How to Start a Cult

Hope I didn’t mess up Aristheron’s bit in this one! Had some fun here, gave Murlesson some initiative, indirectly introduced a new side character, poked fun at the fact that the final boss battle cutscene is all like “YOU CAN’T USE THE FORCE” and then you can totally use the Force in the actual fight. And the one and only time Murlesson will fall on his silly face and has to get picked up by someone not directly working for him.

Cult leader Murlesson uses Aviators: Angel of the Dark as background music.

EDIT: fixing Sabran’s pronouns to something more standard.

Part 5: Sins of the Father


Part 6: How to Start a Cult

He walked through the dark places of the planet, the deepest slums on Nar Shaddaa – not the deepest accessible locations, no, there were things deeper and far worse somewhere below. But this was pretty far down, the farthest down sentient life had been squeezed. He was alone – no sense in Khem terrifying those he wanted to recruit. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 5: Sins of the Father

Trigger warning for a bit of discussion about religion; Murlesson is a die-hard atheist if you didn’t gather that already.

Ambiance for the tomb is Corpse Party: Underground Maze.

Part 4: Mud, Blood, and Artifacts


Part 5: Sins of the Father

He woke up in his room. “How… what…”

<The little Sith is a great fool,> Khem Val grumbled from the other side of the room. <I had to carry you back to Kaas City before your plan failed.>

“Ah,” Murlesson said, rubbing his head. He might have overdone it with the ‘drunk on power’ reaction. Not that he’d had a choice at the time. He’d have to keep a tighter hold on that. It wouldn’t happen again. Continue reading