Tag Archives: Morpha

Monster colour

Ahhh! I can't stand this colour scheme!

Ahhh! I can’t stand this colour scheme!

This is another Photoshop colouring experiment that I did one day – can’t remember when. I started with the head and went from there. I soon found that the hands of the original were not very helpful… it was a struggle to get them to look half-decent and in the end I think I just redrew them. Tunic skirt looks pathetic, but the torso looks quite good. Too bad it’s obscured by the blubbery tentacle thing. Took me a while to figure out how to make it transparent in the way that I wanted it to be. Navi came out well. The background was a lazy cop-out, but hey, I didn’t use a reference in the first place so I just did something more interesting than blank walls.

Water Monster

Freaky swimming pool

Freaky swimming pool

Today’s picture is welcome relief from bad drawing. It is of Link fighting the boss of the Water Temple, Morpha. Morpha is a strange orange blob that controls the water. Link looks quite nice. I drew some sketches of poses to help me out, but he looked oddly Japanese in one of them. I wonder why. Anyway, for flaws, I can see that Link’s neck is too thick, and it’s not really as dramatic as the official art of the exact same situation, but that’s why they hire professionals!

I go in a sort of cycle for picture drawing. I draw a picture, and then if it’s bad, I hate it for the rest of my life, and if it’s somewhere around good, I love it for a couple of hours, and then I look at it again and hate it until a couple years later when I can look back a bit more clearly. This is happening with my most recent art right now, except for one. I wonder if it’ll happen with today’s drawings.

Today I got the drawing bug, so I drew two pictures. The first came when I heard Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C#- : you know, the one he always hated because it was so popular. The second came as a result of iced tea. Now, I don’t particularly like iced tea; I only know for sure that camomile tea isn’t bad. It was the thought of iced tea. I have new fanart for someone…