Tag Archives: Marcus Cato

Hrulash and Family


Marcus Cato, Hrulash Cato, Elisia Cato (nee Delphinus), Petrus Cato. Father, son, mother, grandfather.
Notes on armour:
The breastplate is probably in several pieces so, you know, he can bend over (Lavi: BEND OVER!) rather than the solid piece it appears to be here.
The belt with the leather hip armour skirt hooks directly onto the bottom of the breastplate. Underneath he’s wearing a black wool short-sleeved/short-legged bodysuit thing.
The pauldrons are more European than Roman, but I think it’s excusable since Romans didn’t fly on dragons. The cloak hooks on to the pauldrons but is long enough to be unhooked, wrapped around to completely cover him, and be pinned closed in front for warmth.
The lance has a ridiculously large head so that even when diving at high speeds, he’ll hit SOMETHING. The shield is oval-shaped, and has a strap that can be hooked on so he can sling it over his back. In fact, it’s really only used when fighting on foot.
The fore-arm and shin armour is quite sturdy, as they’re taught to block attacks with those parts of their limbs (no idea how realistic/useful that is irl).
Not pictured: helmet.
Also the sandals that he’s wearing are closed-toe and closed-heel, unlike what the rest of his family is wearing.
His dad and grandfather are wearing a toga over a tunic.
His mother is wearing a dress with a sort of shawl-thing attached at the shoulder-pins, which would otherwise be decorational.