Tag Archives: Lilith

Demon Jen

I was busy today. Classes, homework, a little practice, and I went shopping because I am playing Lilith with AlexR on Monday, and apparently it’s tradition to dress up as a demon. Soooo… I needed a demon costume. So I bought my first ‘little black dress’ and it is totally cute, but it’s a lot less than I’m used to wearing. And I decided to draw a picture of it. End of long boring story!

Also the dress is cute, but both the buttons that keep the halter-part on broke the second time I put it on, so that’s kind of stupid. And I don’t actually have the fangs yet. I have more shopping to do tomorrow. I have the finny ears, though.

This is a small picture because I was just fooling around with large blurry brushes drawing female figures – trying to get the proportions right again – and I liked this one. But I didn’t feel like making a super-detailed picture, although I could have.

I reread The Secret Garden and it is sooo not a girly book; it’s a book about health. And I would like to try some of this healthy stuff. I don’t think I will seriously take up gardening, but it’s just kind of inspiring to see – here are people working hard out of doors, and they love it! They’re strong, and they like to sing, and they are happy and friendly! And of course the part where Colin stands up is the awesomest thing I read all week. Maybe all month. I haven’t done a lot of reading recently.

Off to the weekend, where I play in 3 recitals, listen to two more, and have an audition. Eeek!