Tag Archives: Guillaume

Captain Guillaume

I actually drew something this winter; I drew a picture of a possible NPC for our campaign – a half-elf swashbuckler rogue named Captain Guillaume. I think he’s a pirate. He dual-wields rapiers and has a sailing ship, I know that much. His face is based off Clementine Delauney of Visions of Atlantis, because he needs to be HOT, and his outfit is based off google-searching for Italian Renaissance doublets because he needs to be stylish. Unconvinced by the colour scheme, if you have other suggestions for outfit colours let me know and I’ll try them if I ever draw him again.

A little bit rushed (but still pleased with it ’cause it’s pretty good for my current state of burn-out); it was a Christmas gift for my best friend the DM who would eventually be playing this character.