Tag Archives: Final Fantasy

Silver haired Bishounen

One wears black leather, the other white silk. Which one kicks more butt?

One wears black leather, the other white silk. Which one kicks more butt?

Anyone else feel that the preponderance of tall, lean, strong men with loooooong silver/white hair in Japanese things is glaringly obvious? Well, I decided to draw a picture of both of them. Sesshie, as you can see, wears clothes much much closer to what he actually wears in the anime. Sephie, on the other hand, petered out before I got to his feet. I think I actually like Sesshoumaru better, because he’s not really the villain… also I think he is more handsome than Sephiroth, despite Seph’s black leather.

Not much to say except I’d better hurry – I work today, and then I have to practice piano AND watch the TdF! Oh noes! Also that I went to the Fire Emblem Wikia yesterday and OHMIGOSH THEY HAVE FIRE EMBLEM 8 ART. FOR GLEN AND FORDE AND FRANZ. (glomps Franz) I’ve never seen the art of those characters before yesterday. Lyon’s art is a bit lame, though. Also, Artur, INNES, Knoll, Marisa, NATASHA, Tana, and Syrene are awesome in artwork as well. And Cormag and Colm. And Deussel. Natasha is incredibly beautiful. No wonder Joshua fell for her. Hayden looks evil, though. And the artwork that I’ve seen before, well, Seth and Eirika and Ephraim are all still awesome. And Ewan. And Amelia. Heck, everbody’s awesome. I’m just excited that I can see their artwork.

Franz: Can you stop hugging me now?



Princeling with grey hair

Princeling with grey hair

At this time, I was interested in, and watching through, the cutscenes of Final Fantasy XII on YouTube. Was quite taken with Larsa… he’s very admirable. Very heroic, and sure to grow into one of those wonderful naive, passionate, do-gooder heroes I admire so much. And handsome, with that pretty hair and nice voice. He stays noble, even tragic, even when his elder brother morphs into a salivating rampaging monster. : P

Anyway, I only started using a reference about halfway through the picture, which is why I think his shirt isn’t quite right… I tried to make it interesting with pen-stroke textures. I think it worked, although parts of it would have looked better smooth. As you can see the ear is not developed at all. Odd, that. I was working on it, though. You can see that in the last Zela picture.

Elfinessé was a little over a year old when I drew this picture. Huzzah!