Tag Archives: Dragonland


Whoa! New character again? Not quite. This is Akalion Tseo, whom we last saw for the first time in this picture. I had a very vivid dream this afternoon (while adjusting to the time change) and in it was a blondie named Tseo. I remembered that very well for some reason. In the dream he was a Fire Emblem character, but whatever. He’s a Dragonlander knight now. Continue reading

The Edge of Silverlake


Whoa, hey, new characters! Or at least ones I’ve never drawn before in all the Adhemlenei! And in pencil! Bet you didn’t miss that medium, did you! This is Kirstril, the future King of the Dragonlanders, and his wife Shlaes, and his best buddy who is so far nameless but who will be the first future Dragon Knight. Pretty cool, huh? And they’ve gone out wandering alone away from their camp, and so they are the first three to reach the edge of the frozen Silverlake. And it’s winter. Silly kalmaei.

I drew this yesterday and Kirstril is such a cutie I want to keep drawing him. He has blue eyes and wispy, dark brown hair. His wife is deceptively dark-haired in this picture; she has white hair like clouds. I really should find out definitively what Flar looks like. Because I don’t actually know.

I have been working on a timeline for the Adhemlenei. I already subtly adjusted a few birthdates in the bios; if you can’t tell, I’m not telling you which. I still don’t have a decent motivation for the plot, but I have already had the idea that I should tell the beginning of the story from Flar’s POV, and then Flaer’s, and then finally Flairé’s. Three generations’ look at Zela and the world around them. (Because Zela is stupidly hard to write for. Still. After a whole decade of living together. : P  That stubborn woman.) We’ll see how that goes for this year’s NaNoWriMo. Looking at things from Flar and Flaer’s POV will really let me show how they are great leaders, because they haven’t really acted like it yet. Or how they are not such good leaders as everyone thinks and it’s only habit that puts them in charge, even though they really are the best available for the job. : P Whatever.