Tag Archives: Ceniro

Ceniro’s Element


Decided to paint Ceniro this evening even though I have a bazillion other projects on the go, including other pictures of Ceniro. Half-assed it in three hours but it still came out half-decent even though I spammed the blend tool. I mean, it actually looks like him. Could be smirkier, though. Ceniro doesn’t usually smirk, but when he does… it’s because you’re screwed.
Borrowed a screenshot from google for the eye effect.
Now if I could just muster the gumption to finish his ‘last’ novel… 😛
Yes, he’s wearing something different for once – the deel that he wears in the new novel. Except now I realize a proper deel would have a different collar. Dangit.

Ceniro bio portrait

And it’s our brave (actually – normal-couraged) tactician to next get his mug in colour. He’s from Fire Emblem 7 and he is quiet and smart and idealistic and likes wandering a LOT.

His boots are really worn out so he’s holding the leg parts together with bandages and string. Heheh.

Same colouring technique as last time. If I leave out the black outline, it looks kind of like a watercolour which is kind of cool. Except he doesn’t have eyelashes so he looks like a freak.

I think I should learn to draw Ceniro head-on because the back of his hair changes depending on which view I drew him from. : P

Adhemlenei Header 2

Hi! Would you like to see a big version of the new header? Of course you would. XD Click for big version!

So why these people? Why not more actual Adhemlenei characters? Well, (*pompous tone of voice*) here at Adhemlenei, we encourage diversity. So, the fact that only one character on this header comes from the Adhemlenei makes no difference. My head is full of lots of stuff!

But yeah, there’s FlairĂ©, because he is awesome and my favourite, and then there’s Ceniro, and Rana, and Esgalwen, and my guardian angel… I’m not sure why he showed up.

FlairĂ©: Because you think he’s hot.

Ooookay, besides that. I mean, I can draw him any time I want, but why now?

So that’s representing the kalmaei, Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Middle Earth. And me. Twice. : P

In case you didn’t see them yet, you should scroll down and check out the latest two pages of Eros and Psyche, and then go to the next page and look at Aur, because I drew an Aur that looks like Aur. (He’s from the Wayrift webcomic, which made of win.)

Chibi chibi





Tweaks coming tomorrow. And additions.

Can YOU name everyone here?

Line 1: Adhemlenei, Zela’s family: Zela, Flaer, FlairĂ©, Flaria, Menad, Marteth, Bayn, Gullac, and Mathaning

Line 2: Adhemlenei, others: Gyoriing, Muila, Layalin, Kylyralessa, Lyrestan, Tam, Jalril

Line 3: Zelda OCs: Rana and Raelle

Line 4: FE OCs: Ceniro, Salir, Anne

Line 5: Other: Esgalwen (in green???), Angel, Shell, Keesh, Rinako, Konane

Ceniro, Santaruz, Sunset


First off – yes, I cheated on the grass. Srsly, my attempts were looking pretty sad. Also – yes, the mountains look kind of bare.


I like the smudgy tree things, and Ceniro himself didn’t turn out too badly.

It is based off this pencil sketch. I did the background all in the computer.

I’ve been putting up recordings on YouTube! Organ recordings! They’re not as good as the actual performance but that was because I kept falling off the organ bench! : P

Ceniro colour portrait

Y hello thar

Y hello thar

Hey, a colour thing! A thing I did yesterday! It’s of Ceniro. I was messing around with Photoshop now that I have my tablet working again. I am going to be doing a bunch of colour pictures over the next few weeks as I find out how to paint. This picture only took about an hour or something, so I’m looking forward to doing bigger pictures. I picked a bunch of pencil sketches from the archives that would do well with some colour, some of them going back to about 2004 or so. Maybe I’ll start with that one. Maybe not; it would benefit from me having some actual knowledge.

Soooo…… I’m going to learn realism, hopefully. This picture is colourful, but it’s pretty plastic! Or I could learn how to colour in a cartoony style… like Wayrift… There are a few pictures I’m going to do in greyscale, too! <3

Eye in the Sky

...What are you looking so smug about?

…What are you looking so smug about?

Hi! I just got back from Ontario yesterday, visiting the whole family. It was splendid. But I like being back.

This is, obviously, a picture of Ceniro. I don’t remember the circumstances. Judging from the title I was listening to the Alan Parsons Project song of the same name, which is his temporary theme song… But maybe I just wanted to draw him. He didn’t turn out that great, though. He has a really weird smile.

I have decided to start wearing jewelry. I was given more on the trip, and it’s very pretty, and so is the stuff I already have. So that’s my new resolution – get fit, learn to draw realism, and wear sparkly stuff. (And finish my silly fanfics and my Hallowe’en costume. And learn to play all my music in an impressive fashion.)

I played some Fire Emblem on the trip, too. I can write a whole bunch of Ephraim’s story now, and I also played the first four chapters of Shadow Dragon. No fanfics forthcoming on that, though, as the manga is already awesome. Not that I own it or anything. I should look into that.

Also! The Museum of Civilization is pretty cool and so is the War Museum. I love the statue of Justice in the hall where the Vimy Memorial maquettes live. And they’re right by a painting that gave me shivers. But the War Museum also makes me cry pretty easily. Some people have asked me why I’m writing about a war, and I reply something about it needs to be recorded in the hopes that it inspires at least a few people in some fashion. And not in a warlike fashion, either. : P

Also KevT is back in town so there should be some D&D happening in the next month.