Category Archives: Photoshop

You Will Know Our Names…?

Felt like doing Ceniro and Renee again, and to confirm that the massive FE7 group portrait in the works should NOT be head on… but from the side. When I get around to it. *shivers* (music) Used a Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton art for reference, but Renee still turned out off-perspective. Oh well.

This also should not have taken as long as it did. : P Next project: add Akuliina to the header. After that, we’ll see if I have any energy left.

“It’s simple moments like this…”

“…when I’m most sure the Empire will prevail.”

Decided to do a more intimate picture of Akuliina, ended up with this. Quote is one of the things Quinn says if you talk to him randomly and he doesn’t have a conversation waiting. You can tell it’s very tender because neither of them are wearing gloves. (also: proof that they don’t spend all their alone time ripping each other’s clothes off.)

Freedom, I Kinda Feel It

[CLICK FOR LARGER] Akuliina, The Emperor’s Wrath, Lord of the Sith, The Golden Conqueror (also the name of her new flagship), Daughter of the House of Volkov, and Queen of Kuat. Image title is from Up and Dance, which isn’t necessarily her theme song but fits the ideal of a passionate, power-hungry, fire-themed Sith pretty well: Continue reading


“Would you like to know a secret?” he asked his wife while they were preparing for bed.
“I want to know all your secrets, Captain,” she purred, adjusting herself against the pillows and giving him an arch look.
With as straight a face as he could manage, he announced: “I’m not wearing any underwear,” while unzipping his jacket to prove that, in fact, he wasn’t wearing an undershirt. It hadn’t been the most comfortable day without one. “Mostly because Vette hasn’t done laundry like I asked her to.”
She grinned wickedly, her eyes sliding down his body. “If this is the result, I’m not letting her do laundry again. But you know what would look even better on you? …Me.”
He immediately ceased his actions with his jacket still half-on and one glove off, his arms falling limp in exasperation, and stared at her with a raised eyebrow of incredulous indignation. “That’s the line you’re going with tonight?”
She cackled. “Get over here.” Continue reading

The White Eagles

The White Eagles merc band, circa 4009 before half its members got killed. From left to right: Leo, Emidius, Xohitl (in front), Niall (behind), Felicia, Rhesus, Timaeus, Mwennon, and Pericles. Quick sketchy-draw to get down their general appearance and something vaguely approximating their relative heights (Emidius has gotten taller since I filled in his character bio). Maybe someday I will write their story even.