

My first attempt at drawing Dante. Which I have to say, for a first try, is not terrible. He wants more, though. So I guess I shall have to make some time for him this week. : P

Sooooooooooooooo I got sucked into Devil May Cry. See, I bought DMC3 and 4 on this summer’s Steam Sale, and of course I want to know what’s going on before I play… so I watched a playthrough of DMC1 and 2, and then I watched the anime, and then Dante put a gun to my head and said “DRAW ME” so here we are. HE’S SUCH A COOL GUY AND HE’S PRETTY AND HE’S A TOTAL LOSER WHEN HE’S NOT SAVING THE WORLD. Which is something I would hate if I knew him in real life, but since I do not, it just adds to his coolness somehow. Heeheehee. What an awesome character.

And this means Flairé has been to DMC world, which means that Things have Happened. To wit: the Underworld does not agree with Flairé’s disposition, and turns him into a frothing rage demon, which usually only happens if you burn down his orphanage or something equally heinous. He’s also demanding pictures, but I haven’t drawn him yet because I ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME, GUYS. And I don’t waste ALL of it on Imgur. I’ve been actually really busy this week! I’ve been arranging 6 Pianos music, and hanging out with my creative writing internet group! Which has been a lot of fun and I love all you guys.

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