About Ephraim’s Story: Chapter 10

Um. Well. That was a giant long chapter… Honestly, those guys talk more than my guys! XD But anyway, I’m a little closer to finishing this story now. I am hoping I can recycle dialogue from Eirika’s Story, because I’m a cheating cheater who is lazy. : P

Part of the reason this chapter took up so much space is because the game itself doesn’t make a lot of sense. Ephraim, in the game, just appears in the castle with his army, with no explanation of how he got there, and I felt an explanation was needed. Also there was a lot of smoothing out to do, since the dialogue is occasionally loltastic, and I wanted to spread the dialogue out a bit, hence some line-trading.

Not that anyone really remembers the dialogue from this part, amirite? : D EVERYONE who’s played Fire Emblem 7 knows the dialogue from the opening of the Prologue. Despite this portion of Fire Emblem 8, in the chapter I just finished, being pivotal and slightly climactic and all (we did defeat the nominal leader of the country that’s been oppressing the protagonists, after all), I doubt many people can quote this part of the game, or care that I’ve messed with it to make it more my own. And I do this all over the place, so if you come across something and think “hey, that’s not quite right”, rest assured I’ve done it on purpose. Probably.

Why am I writing this fanfic now?

So I can finish the dang thing, after… how many years? …FIVE? That’s long enough for a fanfic, don’t you think? XD

What’s that? The Zelda fanfics are even older? Ummmm yeah. That’s true. XD

And actually I can’t get an accurate date on any of these right now, since they’re slightly distorted by being written on several computers. So Fire Emblem 7 came out, what, 2003? That fanfic’s about eight years old, and I still plan to finish it… Zelda fanfics are at least eight years old, but fortunately have undergone wild changes in headcanon (THANK GOODNESS, you know?). This fanfic is probably between five and six years old.

One thing that was nice was to listen to FE8 music again. I do like the music from these games. It’s well written. And I have to say I prefer the silly synthesized (but clear!) sounds from the GBA games rather than the overly-lush orchestrations in the GC/Wii games, but that’s just me. There are good tunes in the GC/Wii games, though, as there are in the GBA games.

What an interesting introspection.

Anyway, if you don’t care, no need to read. I’ll be posting actual art as I finish it. : )

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