Flaria and Tharash

So I got a comment on this picture of Flaria and Tharash, from Yllamse, saying “Do I even want to know? XD” so I thought I would answer that in rather too much detail. :3

Flaria’s been a Tharash fangirl for a while – somehow, he caught her eye, even with his ragamuffin scruffiness (generally she goes for clean boys…). Then she found out that he could use big impressive words to describe space and time and metaphysics and magic, which led to melodramatic swooning on her part. He, on the other hand, doesn’t know what to do with her since she clearly likes him (whut?) and isn’t afraid of him (and his potentially world-destroying powers) (wow!). She calls him ‘the adorascruffy voidmage!’ when she isn’t calling him ‘Tharash-dear’.

She bakes him cookies (well, she bakes everyone cookies, but Tharash seems to come over more often than most), tries to take care of his clothing and hygiene (especially his hair, although she’s backed off slightly until she (with my help) can write a ten-page paper on why clean, combed hair is important when you’re an uber-powerful mage anyway. This paper is at his request, as he’s uncomfortable with her messing with his hair (or any other part of his appearance) but has agreed, to make her happy, if she can provide this proof.) and intervenes when it looks like arguments between Tharash and her brothers are getting out of hand. When she hears him using long words, she comes running, to plop down starry-eyed on the grass and listen to things she doesn’t (or does she?) understand. Even if she was nowhere near to begin with. >_>   <_<

Tharash tolerates her, for the most part, and enjoys her cooking/baking very much. She is a glompy kind of girl, though, and Tharash is not really comfortable being touched. For one thing, he’s not used to it, and for another thing, she’s tall and inhumanly strong physically, leading to the kind of situation shown in the picture. Even though he’s pretty much all-powerful (especially in the Adhemlenei, where magic is practically unheard of), he treats her with a bewildered deference – as in, he doesn’t completely brush her off as being annoying. (The swooning might have something to do with that, too.) Occasionally, he deliberately tries to make her swoon.




The sad part underlying all this is that ultimately, nothing will replace the hole in her heart that was for her now-long-dead fiancé. Flaria crushes on lots of boys, not just Tharash. She ‘collects’ them, in a way – not creepily, but ‘her’ boys make her act giddy and flirty (even more than usual) and she tries to help them out as best she can. (e.g. she’s also an Avarron fangirl, and would be a Jayce fangirl if she met him, and a Roy Mustang fangirl, a Fai fangirl, a Daneel fangirl, etc.)

Generally, in the modern day and age, she gets around in plain daylight by covering her pointed ears and hiding her height in a specially-designed wheelchair (pushed around by a girl who looks a lot like Esgalwen, but who probably isn’t, considering that Esgalwen is canonically confined to the Middle-Earth-verse). This allows her to scope out ALL KINDS of cute, kind-hearted boys. : P But she would never make a move on any of them, and discourages them from falling for her if she can. I don’t know if she has a slight mental instability caused by the loss of her fiancé, or if she’s just trying not to let the pain of his loss overwhelm her. …Elves are weird like that.

P.S. this set of pictures is squee.

One thought on “Flaria and Tharash

  1. Yllamse

    XD hahahahaha! She sounds adorable herself…even if it stems from a tragic past. 🙁 To tell the truth, I think Jayce would react just as he has reacted to others “fangirling” over him. He’d try to politely avoid her while turning beet red, then he’d probably freeze up when that doesn’t work and eventually he’d accept it…even if he was horribly embarrassed over the whole thing. 😀

    He would stop being awkward when she offers the cookies though…I think he would nibble on those happily. 😆


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