RR Night Out, colour

This is a colour version of this lovely sketch by Yllamse; I asked her if I could colour it, and she said yes, so I did finally. : ) The scene is from the Wayrift forum roleplay The Rifted Riders, in which a bunch of us decided to roleplay our characters which we had submitted to the Wayrift Dragonrider contest. Here, the recruits have the evening off. So they go drinking, as one does. Xanda and Kali, of course, get dressed to the nines and get ready to go wild; Jayce is shyly curious; Tiarc’rie the fairy dragon is excited (and technically invisible to all but Jayce); Midnight the minidragon is wondering how to keep her friend Xanda from partying too hard; and Hrulash is grimly bringing up the rear, hoping that no one will embarrass them all.

It was a good roleplay. Too bad I got too lethargic to continue. (as far as I know, Hrulash took an injury in a battle against acidic swamp witches, was laid up in bed, and then prolly someone made him stay in bed until he actually recovered properly. I don’t even know. I haven’t checked the thread since then, except to get colour references for this picture. It doesn’t seem to have gone too far in page length, at least. Maybe we can pick it up again next September?) : D

2 thoughts on “RR Night Out, colour

  1. Yllamse

    *can die happy now* :O

    I love how Tiarc’rie came out! She looks flippin’ adorable! 😀

    Ohmygosh! Thank you for coloring that! :3 It looks lovely! X3 I’m still sad I missed the livestream though. 🙁

    About Hrulash…he’s on a special mission at the moment. I think it has stopped at everyone having an areal battle with a Undead dragon. Hrulash took Jayce’s mission and is leading the towns people to safety (along with his cousins. :3)

    As mentioned before, you can jump in whenever you feel that you can. 😀 I hope I roleplayed it properly though… 🙁

  2. Illinia Post author

    Heee, I’m so glad you like it. : ) It was fun to colour! And you know I love your art, and getting to colour some of your lineart was really nice.

    I think I recorded the livestream, if you really want to watch it… but of course it’s not as much fun without Thari and Syn bantering on the sidelines. And I only got to the end of flatcolouring, because my computer is too old and slow to run so many programs with so many layers at once. (I’m a layer junkie.)

    Oh, I know that you write Hrulash well. : D He’s in good hands. And I love you forever for taking him on even though his player’s so lazy. I will come back once I feel my life has adequate structure in it. I can’t say when that will be yet, but I hope it’s soon…


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