Insert Light jokes here

Mwahahaha, guess what I’ve been doing?? I have a project called “replace the shoddy lights in my room and the one next to it”. I have new light fixtures all ready to go, and if this was a normal house, they’d already be installed. (The power’s off and everything, Mom. 🙂 )

But that would be EASY.

The previous light fixture was a hideous contraption that should never have made it to market for various reasons – ugliness, poor design, and also impracticality: it does not do very well the job it was created for, which is, of course, to supply light. It was a big metal box about a foot square and four inches deep, in which there was a lightbulb. The whole thing was covered (roomside) with an ugly opaque glass shield. No typical ceiling bracket at all.

It took me about an hour to figure out how to remove the box from the ceiling (too many screws), and another hour to figure out how to remove the box from the end of the light cable. I had gone and bought normal ceiling brackets yesterday, but until I can find a friend with a power drill to screw them to the wooden beam (which is thankfully right there) they will be useless (and also the power will remain off on that side of the room. : P ). Also the foot-square hole in the ceiling is horribly unattractive and I think I shall also have to acquire some drywall at the same time to patch it up.

Are you freaking out yet? Please don’t. I didn’t know what I was doing when I started this project, but I know now! I know exactly what I need to do. And I know exactly how to do it safely. Also, I’m doing it twice, because the room next door (as I said above) has the same problem and if there’s a problem, it needs fixing! But do stop worrying about my home improvement projects… it’s not as if I can fix the strange walls… or the ugly floor… or the windows… *thinks…* No, those are projects out of my reach. The floor and the windows, anyway. 😉

…Who built this house so stupid?

*levels up?*


P.S. this whole project has cost me $20 so it’s not like I’m gouging myself, either.

2 thoughts on “Insert Light jokes here

  1. Thari

    Just you wait. you level up a few more times and then you’ll be redesigning the entire building… have you asked yourself yet how much you’re going to charge your landlord for all of that? : P

  2. Illinia Post author

    Hahaha, I *have* redesigned the whole house – in my head! I’m a little hung up over trying to make Mike’s-room-that-isn’t-a-room better but if someone wanted to move downstairs to the room next to mine permanently (after I’m done fixing it up, of course) then everything would fit nicely…
    I guess I’d charge him for material costs, but do the labour myself as a hobby? Except for the part where I want to knock down or move a couple walls and expand the bathroom and my bedroom. :3 Get the pros to do that…
    Aw, I’m kidding. I know how to make this house amazing, but it’s not worth the effort. XD
    The house that I take as a permanent residence when I’m an established concert organist, though… watch out!!


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