Death of an NPC



And there was sunshine, and no need for a lightswitch.

And there was sunshine, and no need for a lightswitch.

Star Wars KOTOR II! Rise of the Sith Lards. This occurs on Nar Shadaa, the ‘bounty hunter city planet’. You remember that guy who claims the Ebon Hawk was his before Davik stole it prior to KOTOR I? And he runs off to the ship when you give it to him all light-sided-ly? Then he gets killed by the slavers who claim that landing platform and you have to slaughter them all (though their boss is really hard). Then my character, Selyn Tekeri, agonizes over the fact that she ‘sent him to his death’, and Atton and Bao-Dur, my two main homeboys – I mean, party members, stand there, wanting to help but unable to really do much. Especially Atton, who loves her. (It was a tough call between Atton and Disciple… but it turns out that Disciple actually looks like an idiot in-game, as opposed to the screen-shots I saw before I played… whatever.)

Full story: Once upon a time, there was a Jedi Knight. I chose her to be a woman named Selyn Tekeri and to have pretty Asian hair. : D She’s the one in the middle of the top picture. She collects a band of adventurers around her to save the galaxy from the evil Sith, including sarcastic hot-shot pilot Atton Rand (think Han Solo but with a Blackjack addiction) who is the guy on the right. He’s also the romantic interest for the female lead. The guy on the left is another member of the group, a young Zabrak tech, with a wickedly cool mechanical left arm, named Bao-Dur (think Darth Maul, but really really nice and not covered in silly tattoos). All these people happen to be Force-Sensitive (translation: potential Jedi) but you don’t find that out until later. Anyway, Selyn and her merry band head to a planet full of nasty people, like gangs and slavers and Hutts and bounty-hunters and stuff. She lands her ship, the Ebon Hawk (think Millenium Falcon but a lot prettier : P ) on a certain landing platform that is claimed by some slavers, who capture the ship while Selyn is out doing good among the NPCs. One NPC approaches her and claims that the Ebon Hawk used to belong to him. After some debating, Selyn does the goody-two-shoes thing and gives it to him, despite Atton’s grumbles (“how can I be a pilot if I don’t have a ship?”). Later, she returns to find the ship overrun by slavers, destroys them all, and discovers that they killed the NPC too. So she is sad because she feels responsible.

Then I drew a lightswitch to practice realism. The lightswitch itself came out well. The stuff behind it didn’t. The the horizontal stripey bits are the blinds on the door behind.

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