Trail of Broken Hearts


Some of these lovely ladies are either immortal or underage, y'know...

Some of these lovely ladies are either immortal or underage, y’know… or both

So, this picture is a concept that’s been in my head for a long, long time. It’s that the Legend of Zelda series is full of beautiful (or not) women, and they all love Link, while Link the Hero himself only sees Princess Zelda and his duty to her and the kingdom. So, I’m afraid that I did a terrible hack-job on this picture, but I’ll just count it a sketch for now. He’s supposed to be walking down a road (in a city, in my head, but for some reason it’s in the countryside heading towards a crimson-gold sunset. And there are supposed to be absolute crowds of women lining the sides of the road, not just the scattered figures above, each of them named or nameless NPCs that love Link and are ultimately disappointed, while he follows his sun, his light, the very thought of Princess Zelda.

So that’s what this cruddy sketchy picture is. Someday I shall do a better job.

I like The Boar’s Head. Did I mention yet that it has an interesting mix of English and Latin? It does.

Finished another chapter of The Tactician and the Jewel. Starting Chapter 3. This is fun! It’s probably not nearly as sneaky as I think it is, but I’m enjoying very much the writing of intrigue, subtlety, and mean badguys. Woot. It makes the good guys more awesome. Looks like the Rescue option is going to beat the other two clean out of the field on the poll over on the right.

I went to salsa last night (two and a half hours SOLID salsa dancing for the win) and afterwards Jon lent me one of his CDs because I said I liked one of the songs. Jon is fabulous.

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