Redead Pirates

Redead + Stalfos = Zombie Pirates?

Redead + Stalfos = Zombie Pirates?

Hyumph. I remember this was drawn because a) I had to watch a freaky movie called Pirates of the Caribbean, and b) I was beating the Shadow Temple, the freakiest Ocarina level I’ve ever seen. So, Will is trying to explain to Link what they’re up against, and Link is trying to fit this in with his own knowledge, so their conversation is a bit as follows…

Will: They’re pirates, cursed so that they can never die. In the moonlight, they turn into skeletons.
Link: Oh, so… That sounds like… Redead!
Jack: Redead?
Link: They must be Redead that have been turned into Stalfos at the same time.
Will: Whatever you think.
Jack: What are you talking about?
Link: Redead are actually Undead, only I killed so many that they’re not exactly UNdead anymore. They’re tricky.
Jack: And what under the sun are Stalfos?
Link: Uh… They’re not exactly under the sun, are they? They’re large skeletons. They take about half a dozen hits with the Master Sword.
Jack: You’re a strange guy.

Yeah, Link’s a straaaange guy according to these 19th century folks. So, I didn’t like the movie too much, but I enjoyed this picture, even if they all look like dorks.

I found out at my Telemann rehearsal that the down bow symbol for strings comes from an abbreviation of the Latin word for “noble” and the up bow symbol is the abbreviation of the Latin word for “vile”. This is why they look sort of like an n and a v. Odd, no? This was because the down bows mostly come on the down beats, and the down beats are more important – more “noble”.

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