Revamped blog!

Hey everyone! Felt like the blog needed tidying. I cleared out a lot of stuff I couldn’t stand to look at anymore (even for posterity) and deleted a lot of teenage whinging because that has nothing to do with art! I’m going to focus this gallery/fiction repository more tightly on what I create rather than my life.

It took me like a week to decide which of WordPress’s themes I was going to tweak into something I could use, but eventually I decided I liked this one. No big banner to get in the way of content, sidebar on the left instead of the right just for something different, and I changed the CSS to make the background more soothing to read for longer periods of time (as I do when I’m editing, or just when I go back to read my own fanfic). I’ve also added easy navigation buttons to the things most people come to see: my travel blogs, and my cosplay.

There’s just a couple of art assets that I haven’t filled in yet, but they’re not essential to the workings of the site so I figured you can have access to my stuff again.

Feel free to comment on what you like or don’t like about the site!

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