

What’s it like to get hugged by hair? Only Shiro knows. And yes she’s probably standing on a box or something because he’s at least a foot taller than her normally. And this is in her garden on board the Castle… I seem to like backlighting things this month. (side note: there are lots of Japanese horror stories involving hair. I hope that doesn’t bother him. >.> ) But anyway this was the point of all my Voltron fanstuff: to get Shiro into a hug. A hug with a girl involved, but not Pidge and Allura because I don’t know who the show is going to ship them with yet. Also girls’ existence shouldn’t be reduced to shipping partners (says the woman who just made a female character solely to be a shipping partner).

Side note: I feel like the corners of Shiro’s eyes are more Korean than Japanese, so I headcanon that he has a Korean mom and a Japanese dad. And was raised in North America, judging from his completely-un-Japanese accent.

This picture brought to you by Dirait-on, which is the most romantic song in the entire world… and the text is about self-love/narcissism? Maybe not complete narcissism, but Narcissus is definitely referenced. I am confuse and not sure how to interpret this yet. Still works to listen to for getting in the mood for romantic art. : )

Hoping to finish the last chapter of the Voltron fic tonight, and then it’ll be on to one last story for the month. It ought to be between Liz and Lina, but really there is no contest at all, is there? : P I’ve also hit 50,000 words, so I don’t actually HAVE to write another story, but getting more stuff off my plate sooner is good.

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