Inseparable Trio

Why are the guys in back so short.

Why are the guys in back so short.

Owwwwwww… I now know beyond a doubt that girls have pectorals. In case you were unsure about that. Because mine hurt.

Anyway, this is the picture I promised you on Tuesday, featuring our intrepid trio of kalmei. Flairé, of course, is the leader, the captain of the regiment and Jalril’s mentor and trainer. Lam’ro, who doesn’t look nearly as good in this picture, is the second in command, the quiet reliable one who advises but can’t implement. Jalril, who here has an awfully big head and an awfully short torso (HE’S LEANING OVER OKAY – I’m just really bad at drawing it) is the apprentice, the shy young enthusiastic try-hard-er. They, in Book 3 or something, really are an inseparable trio who work very closely together and look out for each other all the time. And sometimes win battles and stuff too.

My shoulders and other various parts of my body hurt because karate started on Tuesday with a big push-up/sit-up warm-up, and I am hilariously bad at those things. So bad my partner (we were in pairs) had to help pull me up with a karate belt. I know, I know, hysterical. But this will help me get better. Also I went running with L this morning, and discovered the magical fact that if I don’t talk, I don’t get out of breath so much! Also she makes a mean bacon-and-eggs.

Man, the way I ache, I better have some very pretty biceps/abs once I’m done this year.

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