The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé



Well, this is the beginning of an exciting new endeavour! I’m going to try my hand at a weekly webcomic. The script is done, and I have a buffer of six weeks. This comic is only 36 pages long, counting the cover, but that’s most of a year so I think I’m good for now. And I can always think of new adventures later. There’s at least one more episode in concept form, with a bunch of new characters. But that’s waaaaaaaay in the future. Right now, enjoy! First page will be up next week. Huzzah!

For those of you who are new: Welcome! This is the first page of a webcomic that will be updating on Sundays (hopefully at 12:00 noon Pacific time), starring my original character Flairé in his original homeland the Adhemlenei, and my best friend Leslie. And some other completely insane nutcase who by all rights shouldn’t even be allowed to exist there. ; ) And yes, the adventures are non-canon so they have no real bearing on the story that should be written about Flairé, his mother, and the darkening world around them… written sometime in the next decade or three. Yep. Again, welcome, and good luck!

Yesterday there was lots of D&D-ing. It was great fun, although Illinia didn’t talk much, as usual. She needs to talk more. I think the setting is confusing her. Her player coloured the above picture and drew a hot picture of Torrigan (the Paladin of Pelor in our party) on her script. But it was tons of fun. And then we all went for dinner at Shabu Shabu at about 8:00 and got completely stuffed. Yum.

Next time I will totally play Flairé. : D

2 thoughts on “The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé

  1. Illinia Post author

    Yes, the Paladin is probably the hottest member of the party – with the possible exception of the druid, who is of the opposite sex and married, anyway. Lol.


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