Tag Archives: Eliwood

Death of Ceniro

Ironically, the brilliant tactician is the first to die

Ironically, the brilliant tactician is the first to die

This is near the end of Chapter 30 from the game, whatever it’s called… I’m just going to make up chapter names for all but the Prologue, which is the only one anyone ever remembers anyway. So. Voila. Er… Ceniro is tacticianing, and gets shot with an arrow. And everybody is sad. Terrible anatomy, but at least Hector has a big axe, and although Eliwood’s cloak is missing, he has a nice rendition of his rapier. That building in the distance on the right is the fabled Dragon’s Gate, sort of, and the two blobs on the left are Fiora and Florina skewering the archer with a longbow/ballista who shot Ceniro. This picture just goes to show why scenery/backgrounds are not my strong point. Also there was going to be a wyvern rider in the sky, either Heath or an enemy, but I cropped him out.

Spying on Bern

Spying on Bern

Spying on Bern

Whoo! (cheers) This is a terrific picture! And not just because I messed up the perspective, left out King Desmond’s hands because they’re too hard for me to draw and have them look like hands, covered the three heroes with cloaks because a) they’re wearing them in the game and b) I hated drawing from this angle! Ha! Ahaha! No, this picture rules all other Fire Emblem pictures becaaaaauuuuse… it has the very first appearance of Ceniro, my tactician! Pronounce his name either Japanese or Quenya, it doesn’t matter – keh NEER row. It’s from Quenya, though that might not be too obvious at first – I had a friend named Jessica, and her name is supposed to mean “she who sees” although some people say Shakespeare coined it to mean “wealthy woman”. I looked up her name, along with other people I knew, and kept that little bit of trivia in the back of my mind. When I came across it again, I thought… that would be a great name for a tactician! I changed it to Ceniro from Cenira, because… I forget why, and the quiet little green-cloaked man in brown took to the field, to accompany Lady Lyn, Lord Eliwood, and Lord Hector on their epic quest. I’m not sure how I imagined him to draw him this way… all I can remember is the finished version right now.

This picture is of the part where the heroes sneak into the enemy’s castle to find out what he’s plotting. The wicked king of the country of Bern is talking to the sinister and sexy Sonia (who seriously needs to brush her hair) who is the servant of the evil mad nemesis, Nergal, who is somewhere else. Fortunately, with the clues they get from the baddies’ incriminating conversation, the good guys (L-R Hector, Lyn, Eliwood) can save the day!