Category Archives: Travel

Europe 2023: Tübingen – Bebenhausen


Okay so the last post was excessively long and I’m going back to Europe in 10 hours so let’s upload some blogs without pictures just so I don’t give myself another two weeks to forget what happened in the summer. I’ll add pictures when I get back, and will probably edit the text more too. EDIT: pictures added!

Day 15, cont.

Little villages in the hollows

The next destination on our list was Tübingen. The train station was not that impressive upon debarking our train, but the brand new not-even-finished bus loop outside sure was! It appeared to have as many platforms as letters in the alphabet. In fact, Tharash suggested it had too many platforms/buses, given how difficult it was to figure out which was the correct bus. The good news if you were anywhere else in the city was that like 98% of all transit passes through the bus/train hub by the Neckar River (which is a much smaller river here than in Heidelberg). But the bus station was really aesthetically pleasing, and they have little symbols to help you identify which bus you want, and scrolling boards saying how long until the next bus at every platform. I was also shocked when we actually got on the bus, because it had a ticket machine on the bus. Now that’s living in the future. (As of this writing, my hometown has FINALLY FOR THE LOVE OF FRIES rolled out a contactless payment system for fares, so my hometown is thinking about joining the 21st century as far as public transit is concerned. Now to turn one of those parking lots downtown into a proper bus station, and we might get somewhere.) Continue reading

Europe 2023: Heidelberg


Day 13

Technically this starts in Trier but I figured Trier’s post was long enough already without shoving Koblenz into it as well. (edit: and this still has 250 pictures in it, I think I’m going to break up Tübingen even more than I planned T_T) I carried out my resolution to eat all the tasty things at the breakfast buffet this morning, and I had a croissant with Nutella as part of that omnomnom. Then we got on an earlier train than originally planned, and travelled back northeast to Koblenz. There we went for a walk, putting our stuff in a train station locker again, navigating our way around the confusing, loud, in-the-way car infrastructure in order to get to the old part of town and specifically the point at which the Mosel meets the Rhine, where there is a huge statue. We caught a train back from the old town area to the Hauptbahnhof where we had left our stuff (at the old town station there’s no ticket gates even, you just walk onto the platform, it’s amazing), and had a little bit of a snack, although the lady at the bakery misheard me and got Tharash a cappuccino instead of a tea. Oh well. Off to Heidelberg! Continue reading

Europe 2023: Trier


Sorry I’m slowing down on these, I’m running a bit out of steam on them (and I still have three more to do T_T ) (why did I take so many pictures) (help)

Day 11

Trier was one of my favourite places on this trip! There’s so much to see there, but it’s all so close together. The train trip here was nice though I was sleepy. It doesn’t stick to the riverbank as easily as it did lower down on the river, I guess the river was too wiggly here for that to be cost-effective so there were a lot more bridges and long tunnels than the previous trip from Koblenz to Cochem. When we arrived it was still like 11am, too early to go to our hotel, so we decided to put our luggage in a train station locker and go to a museum first. But we needed change for the locker, so we went to the bakery in the train station and bought some buns to get the coins necessary. This accomplished, we walked to the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier, passing through an 18th century garden on the way. We stopped by the ornamental pond to eat lunch, and watched the ducks and pigeons faffing about. Continue reading

Europe 2023: Cochem


Day 8, cont.

Despite our first train being late, it was fine: our second train in Cologne was late too. We only had a few minutes in Cologne, though, not enough time to visit the Cathedral again (which I had previously visited in 2012), but enough time that I could walk to the end of the platform and get some new pictures. Though we got off the first train precipitously enough that Tharash forgot his waterbottle. : ( But he resolved not to worry about it (probably seeing how upset I get whenever I lose things : P). Continue reading

Europe 2023: Aachen


Aachen was really high on my list of places to visit for this trip, because I’ve seen the Cathedral there in several documentaries (my favourite being The Day the Universe Changed, Episode 2: In the Light of the Above, which discusses the impact of rediscovering Greek and Latin scientific and philosophical writings on Western European thought). Also, we used this video to help us plan the trip. So here we go! Shorter post this time because we were only here less than 24 hours.

Day 7, cont.

We got on the IC (inter-city) train to Brussels where we changed to the high-speed ICE (inter-city express) train. It was a very high speed train because however fast I guessed it was going from looking out the window, it was probably going about 50% faster than that. (A high-speed train later in the trip was going about 240k/h, which it said on the screen that announced the upcoming stops, so it was really booking it. North America could never.) There was a really cute black baby on the high speed train, but he was a wiggly little boy and when the mom walked away for a few seconds to attend to some luggage I had to keep him from squirming out of his seat and running after her! Eventually she got him to sleep. Continue reading

Europe Trip 2023: Bruges

Amsterdam to Antwerp

In an effort to not make you scroll forever while reading, I’m making many images smaller in this post, click them for larger. (It doesn’t help, you’re still going to scroll forever.)

Day 5

We started the day by going to the local bakery across the street from Tharash’s apartment for a loaf of fresh bread. It was very popular in there, people lining up out the door to get their bread and buns and pastries, and smelled amazing. Then we went to the grocery store for cheese and cucumber, and I also requested some crackers as a snack. This was when I discovered that Tuc makes crackers that aren’t just plain salted crackers, so I got bacon crackers omg. They do use real bacon so they’re no good for vegetarians, and they are very salty. I loved them so I was sparing with them and they actually lasted until I got home again since I didn’t eat one every day. (My local Dutch import store sells paprika-flavoured ones!) Continue reading

Europe Trip 2023: Amsterdam to Antwerp

Hello! This year’s ridiculous adventure took me to Belgium and Germany for three and a half weeks, wherein I saw a great many things, ate a lot of food, drank a lot of alcohol (by my standards), and took a lot of pictures (nearly 3,500, plus 500 from Tharash, though I’ve narrowed it down to about half of that (these are just mine and have not been edited in any way)), so these posts are going to be very, very long as usual. But here we go. I kept a careful journal on my phone to refresh my memory, so I’m arranging things by day like in my notes. Continue reading

I went to a rock concert

Found out Disturbed was playing their Take Back Your Life tour “near me”, near enough that I could justify the travel expenses, so I decided to go! They’re one of my three most favourite bands that I can’t get tired of (along with Dire Straits and Big Country).

Mount Baker lookin’ good! ^ It pretty much looms over Abbotsford, really, where the concert was, so that gives you an idea of how far I travelled. I forgot to take a picture of it while I was actually there. Actually once I got off the ferry, Google said it was only an hour’s drive away, but there were many sections of the highway where traffic reduced speed to like 20km/h, which really did a number on my gas tank. : P It was also pretty hot and humid for May (it was a heat wave) which didn’t help. Continue reading

BC Trip 2022: Exterior

After the events of the previous post, we got back on Friday night from our trip all over the BC mainland, and the rest of the trip was almost entirely on Vancouver Island. Saturday we just spent relaxing, I think we made Japanese-curry-in-a-box for dinner. Played some videogames (Tales of Arise is very on my to-play list!). Caught up with internet friends. I don’t remember what else right now, so it must have been properly chill. I think we went to buy beer? Tharash wanted to check out the local breweries so we bought three cans at the liquor store. Tharash picked two based on recommendations from the store worker, and I picked one based entirely on the label art which was pretty. We split all of them and drank one a day.

Sunday was a big day, we went whale watching! So we walked down to Fisherman’s Wharf, saw the houseboats and all the brightly painted unique designs, and got on our tour boat along with a large group of teenagers from… I think it was Brazil? A lot of them weren’t dressed for cold sea air, so I hope they were okay. The first part was spent just getting out away from shore, and the boat went very fast. When it slowed down again, somewhere halfway to Port Angeles, we were invited up to the bridge along with the only other two people who weren’t with the teenage tour group. We saw orcas from up there! The whale watching tours all talk to each other about where the animals are, and there are laws against getting closer than 200m, so there was a ring of boats around the whales, who were just chilling out – they didn’t breach or anything. It was also interesting for me to see the Olympic Mountains more close than normal. Unfortunately, after a little time up there, I started to feel seasick. The crew had some nice ginger chewy candies, and I had my water, but it didn’t stop me from actually being seasick off the back. I spent most of the rest of the trip half-napping on the back benches to avoid feeling any more sick. Tharash didn’t get sick at all because he is much more used to being on the water, and he had a very good time with his camera. Continue reading

BC Trip 2022: Interior

Last year was going to be the year, but there were still too many restrictions on, so it was this year that my best friend came over for another of our crazy travel adventures. Ever since he caught a glimpse of BC in 2018, he’d been wanting more, and I’d been wanting to show him, so here we are!

Some of these pictures are from his camera; some are from my new phone (and a couple are from his phone). I really like having a panorama function now! Choosing pictures was really really hard though! (for the full unlabelled photo experience click here) Continue reading