Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

Sassy Flaria

For this picture, I listened to an hour straight of Caramelldansen and the two pop songs from Kiki’s Delivery Service. Don’t let Flaria say I never did anything for her.

Flaria: You know it inspired you to capture my sunny, winning personality. 🙂

True. Anyway, I messed around with a bit of a background. Not much, but hey the focus is on the pretty lady, huh?

Flaria: You bet it is! ;D

Also, I haven’t forgotten about the other pictures I’m going to draw. This is just the one that came out tonight. And I’m happy with it at the moment. I could have done more with her hair, I see now. But anyway.

Boys at the Bar, Part 1

So. Tharash was feeling mopey, and Gullac’s innuendo wasn’t helping… so instead, Gullac decided to drag everyone out to the bar to get them sloshing drunk and send some of them home with girls (not Avarron, since Nari would murder everyone involved if that happened). Even though Gullac hates Tharash for making him look less crazy than he did previously. (He’s coping. He’s playing up his debonair side to make up for it.) Flairé came because Tharash is his friend, and Avarron came to make sure nothing blew up, because getting an overpowered chaos mage hammered is not really a good idea if you want your pub to keep standing.

So here they all are, sitting around the table… Tharash has a glass of whiskey, and there are three more bottles waiting – Gullac was somewhat overly generous – and Avarron has a glass of stout and Gullac has a glass (and bottle) of red wine, and Flairé has a daquiri (with a curly straw). But he’s going to help with the whiskey as soon as he’s done the daquiri.

In actual fact, Tharash was drunk and off to bed relatively quickly. Flairé went with to help him get home safe (although he travelled by rift, so who knows where they actually ended up). Gullac and Avarron stayed to chat, and Gullac finished the rest of the alcohol (no mean feat, you have to admit). There were some girls, but they didn’t go home with anyone.

But I am going to draw a picture of the bar exploding too, because that’d be funny. :3 Even if it didn’t actually happen.

Hrulash the Hero

Do you know what time it is? Any idea? It is freakin’ 4:00am, that’s 4 in the morning, and I am still awake because SOMEONE demanded his portrait done for the first time in almost ever. I made so many false starts I don’t know why I kept going, except that he had a very clear idea of what he wanted and he wasn’t going to stop glaring at me until I did it.

…He’s still glaring at me, but just because that’s how he always looks, more or less. Continue reading

Hrulash and Jayce

Hrulash and Jayce, by Yllamse

So… for some reason… Yllamse drew this adorable little pair on my DA wall at some point. I love it; it makes me giggle every time I see it!

I forget why Jayce is thanking Hrulash, but it seems the dignified dragonknight is afraid of hugs. Hmmmmmm.

Yllamse (and the other Riders players) really like Hruly for some reason! I’m flattered. He’s confused. Hahahaha. XD

She also included Hrulash in images here (as his serious, competent, grumpy self) and HERE… as a pony. XD

Firestorm and Sunspot

Sunspot and Firestorm, art by Talon

Griffon and rider, art by Talon

A commission I commissioned from fellow Wayrifter and DA user, Talon, of the Generals of the Griffonland, Firestorm the elf and Sunspot the griffon. The second image Talon coloured in the way she did because I didn’t get around to approving the more spot-free colour scheme in a timely fashion. But she did such an amazing job that I’m thrilled to have both versions. I mean, look at it! Iz pretty awesome. Not to mention the beautiful background, which I didn’t describe in any detail, and yet she had the exactly right image.

I’m going to post the rest of the gift/commission art I have, today, so stay tuned for more fabulousness. 😀

Flaria and Tharash

So I got a comment on this picture of Flaria and Tharash, from Yllamse, saying “Do I even want to know? XD” so I thought I would answer that in rather too much detail. :3

Flaria’s been a Tharash fangirl for a while – somehow, he caught her eye, even with his ragamuffin scruffiness (generally she goes for clean boys…). Then she found out that he could use big impressive words to describe space and time and metaphysics and magic, which led to melodramatic swooning on her part. He, on the other hand, doesn’t know what to do with her since she clearly likes him (whut?) and isn’t afraid of him (and his potentially world-destroying powers) (wow!). She calls him ‘the adorascruffy voidmage!’ when she isn’t calling him ‘Tharash-dear’. Continue reading

En Ne Ba


Soooo I wrote a song! It is in kalmaeirin, and you don’t get to find out what it means yet, sorry. : P

Went to the choir concert today! Sarah Quartel is a Canadian composer (studied at UWO, apparently now living in Victoria!) who writes the music I would want to write if I knew how. : D