Tag Archives: Rendon Howe

On Every Street: Chapter 11: Iron Hand

I almost didn’t write this chapter. I didn’t know what to do with it, how it could be dramatic, especially when it’s placed as the climax of the story. But I wrote it anyway. And it’s long, and a lot of it summarizes the rest of the story. Couple of good bits, though.

It was also difficult to write because of certain political events and social feedback last week. I could get more into that, but it would be pointless navel-gazing so no.

ALSO it is late, not because of socio-political drama, but because I’ve been playing too much SW:TOR. My Warrior Akuliina is steadily harassing Quinn into admitting he likes her, but when it came to the love confession cutscene, I hit the wrong button and Fraps didn’t record it. So I had to start a new Akuliina on a different server, because I need that cutscene in my library. So… late chapter. (But hey, did you know it takes about 15 minutes to get through Nar Shaddaa if you only hit the story missions and skip through the dialogue at top speed?)

Chapter 10: Heavy Fuel Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 10: Heavy Fuel

I had this one more or less done last night, but added a note to “ADD MORE OGHREN” because Heavy Fuel is basically Oghren’s theme song. I’ve been told Dire Straits wrote it for their roadie, but look how well it works for this lunatic. So: enjoy The Oghren Chapter, now with 50% more Oghren.

Chapter 9: Fade to Black Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 2: Planet of New Orleans

Karate is really kicking my butt this week – in a good way. Shredded my abs because sensei decided to do some High Intensity Training yesterday. I’ll be yellow belt on Monday probably! This has nothing to do with noir crime and trench-coated and fedora’d detectives, I’m just excited about it.

Chapter 1: My Parties Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 1: My Parties

All right let’s launch this ridiculous idea! Dragon Age as a 40’s noir murder mystery! Huzzah for NaNoWriMo! I watched the Maltese Falcon as reference for this. Chapters are quite a bit shorter than they usually are but that just means I’ll be done sooner? And if you’re a classic rock fan, you’ve already recognized the title and chapter titles. Those were what gave me the inspiration for this in the first place! Continue reading

My Dark Haired Fereldan Beauty: Denerim

More NSFW-ness in this chapter. Does it seem like these two only talk seriously when sex is involved? Well, I guess they don’t get a lot of alone time so they need to multitask their relationship… Note this is the first time she loosens up enough to call him Zev. : )

Oh man oh man oh man I’ve been looking forward to this chapter ever since I decided Liz would fight Howe with Attack on Titan. It turned out pretty much the way I wanted it to. Liz herself has been eyeing Go Away by symphonic metal band Delain as a personal theme song. >.>

Also this one took so long to write because I wasn’t sure where I should put the chapter break, and also Cauthrien has been a pain as far as her little added scene goes. I may do editing on this later. In fact, I already want to rewrite the story and cut out large, irrelevant sections. : P


Previous chapter: Haven; next chapter: Landsmeet




It was five days to Redcliffe – they were closer to the edge of the mountains than Elizabeth had thought – and immediately they went to Arlessa Isolde with the Ashes in their little white silk bag. A doctor and a mage from the Circle Tower took them and argued with Brother Genitivi over what should be done with them; the doctor suggested that Arl Eamon ingest the ashes, while the mage wanted to see if simply applying them to Eamon’s skin would help.

Whatever they tried, in front of all of them, the Arl frowned, his hands flexed slightly, and his eyes slowly opened. “Where am I?” he whispered, very weakly.

“Be calm, dear husband,” Isolde said, although she was on the verge of happy tears. “You have been deathly ill for a very long time. Do you remember anything?”

“I dreamed… terrible things, yet I have the feeling that at least some of it was no dream. Where is Connor? Where is our boy?” Eamon asked anxiously, his voice cracking with disuse. The doctor hastened to sit him up and offered him a glass of water.

“He lives, thank the Maker,” Isolde said. “Many awful things have happened, Eamon. I will tell you later. For now, rest, and regain your strength.” Continue reading

My Dark Haired Fereldan Beauty: Highever

So Liz won’t leave me alone until I write her LizZev story. Even though Zev won’t show up for ages. Dramallamas ahoy! 😀

Spoilers for the Human Noble origin, obviously, and for Origins in general. Cousland/Zevran, obviously, with hints of Morristair.

Next chapter: Ostagar


Highever, Autumn


“Father?” Elizabeth Cousland walked briskly into the great hall of Castle Highever. “Oh! I did not know you had company already…”

“I’ll send my eldest off with my men at once,” Bryce Cousland was saying to his friend, Rendon Howe. “No need to keep the king waiting. But tomorrow, you and I will ride out just like the old days!”

Rendon Howe chuckled. “Though we both had less grey in our hair, and we fought Orlesians, not… monsters.”

“But they’ll still smell the same,” Bryce said, laughing in turn. “Ah, pup, I didn’t see you there. Come greet Rendon! Rendon, I don’t think you’ve seen my daughter Elizabeth in some time.”

“You have grown lovelier than ever, Lady Elizabeth,” Rendon said, bowing to her.

“Thank you, Arl Howe,” Elizabeth said, curtseying in her dress of blue Antivan silk. “I hear your men have been delayed on the roads?”

“Indeed,” Howe said, sniffing with distaste. “The rains have done terrible things to the highway. I am glad that I came on ahead.”

“Fergus will lead the Highever soldiers to Ostagar today, and tomorrow Rendon and I will ride with the Amaranthine men.” Continue reading