Tag Archives: Nero tol Scaeva

FFXIV: The Battle in the Sky

I feel like Nero’s English VA isn’t smug enough. He needs to sound punchable. His dialogue shows him to be at least purporting to be utterly full of himself, and I feel the VA plays it a bit flat; he sounds almost normal despite the dramatic dialogue. BRING ME SASS

Chapter 47: The Edge of Gyr Abania


Chapter 48: The Battle in the Sky

Achiyo, Kekeniro, Vivienne, Alphinaud, and Alisaie were the last to arrive at the council at the Lotus Stand. Besides the four Alliance leaders and their retinues, Cid and Yugiri were there. Alisaie did not actually have to be there, but Achiyo guessed she was curious enough to put up with politics. Continue reading

Merry Christmas 2023

Happy holidays! And spoiler alert for my FFXIV fanfic! Nero tol Scaeva (right) is a smug, arrogant, ambitious, brilliant magnificent b*stard, hells-bent on becoming the greatest engineer the world has ever seen (frustrated by being seemingly effortlessly thwarted at every turn by his rival since college). Vivienne Urselmert (left) is a cold, angry, stubborn, emotionally-constipated antihero who suffers grievous hardships in silence and slaughters monsters without mercy. Together, they are a match made in… something, considering he started out as a villain and she was very much trying to kill him at the time. After she blew up his boss’s base, he had nowhere to go and began wandering aimlessly, looking for advanced ancient technology to tinker with, occasionally ping-ponging off of the heroes and usually sort of helping them. He woos her sarcastically and she snaps back defensively, until those rare moments when one or another of them drops their walls (shockingly, often Nero first) and does or says something sincerely genuine. Apologies if it still doesn’t make sense to you, but it makes me laugh so I drew it. Continue reading

FFXIV: The Sleeping Emperor

Oh my gosh this chapter went long. At first I had my hands full with this catboy trying to turn everything into The R’nyath Show but since this is basically his chapter to protagonize eventually I let him have his way. Lots of cameos of my game friends, and a few retainers/OCs to make up the balance! I hope it’s not too overwhelming!

I’m excited to get back to MSQ next chapter!

Chapter 11: Life in Mor Dhona


Chapter 12: The Sleeping Emperor

The lead-up to the tower was a massive, mysterious facility that they had been briefed as being titled the Labyrinth of the Ancients. The ceiling seemed malms away, the walkways leaping over what looked like lava, but R’nyath really didn’t have time to look about. The resident monsters came at them in waves, and he had his hands full watching out for R’inwa and taking in Kekeniro’s orders. Kekeniro had set up a linkshell to relay his directions to the entire group, though he mostly referred to the team leaders when calling out. “I’m seeing several succubi and a Valefor up ahead. Achiyo’s team will take the Valefor, and Chuchupa and Vivienne’s teams will deal with the succubi. Try to draw them away from the Valefor so we don’t get interference.” Kekeniro had pretty good eyesight for a bookworm, R’nyath considered. Continue reading

FFXIV: Life in Mor Dhona

Wait, I finished a chapter? Turns out Crystal Tower was turning out longer than I was expecting it to, even condensing the overly-convoluted plot (e.g. Nero’s here already) so it’s now two chapters. And we didn’t really get to the meat of the action in this one. It’s a bit self-indulgent with all the character relationship developing, but I’m enjoying it! Also if you play on Midgardsormr, keep an eye out for the names of my FC mates, haha!

That one line Thancred says is from way back when Alphinaud was investigating the Ul’dahn uprisings, but it was too good to not use at all.

Chapter 10: The Deep Dark Green


Chapter 11: Life in Mor Dhona

It was a bright, cloudless winter’s day in Mor Dhona when Achiyo rose from her bed in her room in the Rising Stones. The sun was silver through the window and she looked out upon the town for a moment. Everyone was just rising; the shopkeeps were setting up their stalls, the guards were changing at the gates, dogs were already chasing hens. There was a frost on the ground, and folk had to walk carefully across half-frozen puddles. The frost would be gone by early afternoon today, but Tam predicted snow before another sennight had passed. Continue reading

FFXIV: For the Light

After half a dozen+ fight scenes, this ridiculous thing is over.

…For Season 1. Next up, Bahamut… synced… ilvl120… uh-oh…

And yes, I know Rinala cheated a tiny bit in two of the fights; it’s for character development, okay? XD

Started a new SWTOR Imp Agent, what? (I hear it’s good, though. I wonder if I should keep slogging through the other storylines that I haven’t finished, either? Maybe one at a time?)

Chapter 5: Lies of the Free


Chapter 6: For the Light

Cid, as it turned out, did not wait remain behind with the main host after they’d been briefed on Phase Three of Operation Archon, but commandeered a random Reaper – this one in better kept condition than Maggie and Wally had been in when they acquired them – and joined them in their daring, near-suicidal assault on Castrum Meridianum. The good news was that yet again, the Grand Companies were making the distraction – a frontal assault on the main gate of the castrum, while the nine Scions smashed through a different gate and began breaking things in their quest to shut down the magitek field around the inner Praetorium. Continue reading