Tag Archives: Hanna Brosca

The Woman With a Dragon’s Heart: Prologue

NaNoWriMo is being a pain this year; between teaching, organ playing, friends, and life, I’m too exhausted every night to keep my word count up except on Sundays and Mondays. But! I did finish Gary’s Story and the Hiriless edits, although there are still a couple tweaks to go to both of those… I can’t show you those because if I want to publish them someday there could be issues with internet publishing or something? But there’s no laws against publishing fanfic, so I started writing my Dragon Age Awakening fic, and so far I’ve got lots of momentum, so hopefully this is the one that will get me through the next week and a half. But I have so many projects, and only so much energy…

I did start this fic immediately on a NSFW bit, so if you are not of a mind to read such things you may wish to skip directly to Chapter 1 whenever I finish it.

Also One Punch Man is still awesome and you need to watch it immediately. Also also I finally finished enough of Guild Wars 1 that I decided to start Guild Wars 2, and so far it is pretty neat! I have a Zela Norn ranger. Continue reading