Tag Archives: Voltron

Space Garden: Part 14: Bring Them Home

Take a bunch of drama llamas, a generous sprinkling of Clockie metas (example), a butt-load of action scenes, and my personal taste in endings, and this is what I came up with for a Voltron finale. Smaller scale than the show? Yes. Do I like it more? Yes. Hope you do too.

This last chapter is long. As I thought it might, it bloated a lot. Think of it as a series finale double special lol! But I couldn’t quite get the Shiro/Elslince power-couple dynamic I was going for. Oh well. Side note: Lotor’s fighter’s colours are based on the colours of the ‘alliance’ banner from S5. (It was Lance’s idea, probably.)

There is an epilogue of course!

Chapter 13: Once More Unto the Fray


Part 14: Bring Them Home

The situation in the medbay was not sustainable. Lotor was regaining his physical strength well, but psychologically he was a complete guilt-ridden wreck. Elslince was considering putting him in a strait-jacket in a padded room, not because he was insane, but because he kept trying to harm himself. She and Acxa were taking it in turns to watch over him, to make sure he wouldn’t try to kill himself. And she wished she didn’t have to, he was paranoid enough as it was without being observed constantly, but she didn’t want to lose him now. Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 12: Happily For Now

Okay so this is horribly self-indulgent Shelslince fluff, but c’mon, it’s the first time-skip where things have been really positive and peaceful!

Though there was not nearly enough female gaze in this chapter, I may have to remedy that. Bring unto me S8 so I can swoon more over my giant hot buff trapezoidal Japanese space-husband! And for the love of pete don’t kill him again (I think he’s probably okay from here on out, it wouldn’t make sense tropewise, but this is Dreamworks we’re talking about. …Okay as long as he goes out in a massive blaze of heroic glory.). : P

Shiro meeting his parents is based on that super adorable tumblr post, obviously.

Part 11: Captain Shirogane


Part 12: Happily For Now

The battle with the strange mecha nearly destroyed everyone again, but even when it was done, his work was not over. The Lions had been scattered across the western side of North America, their paladins unresponsive. The Atlas had turned back into a ship, at least. He needed to send out retrieval teams, get in contact with the rest of the world, get civilians liberated from their work camps, get civilians shelter and food and water… Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 10: Drifting

Okay so S7 was CRAZY and I LOVED IT. It was a bit heavily military, yes, but on the other hand that’s where I expected the show to go, that’s kind of what I wanted from it. It was a beautiful drama, and I may have to write something about Adam after I’m done this fic. (like, done-done, like, post-series finale)

Part 9: Ad Astra Obumbratio


Part 10: Drifting

Shiro, soul and body reunited, had been placed back in the cryopod – so weak, his heart was struggling, his body adjusting to a semi-new consciousness. Or at least that was what Elslince and Allura told him. Keith paced. The rest of the team had only just left to gather fuel for the Lions, but his place was here, at Shiro’s side. Normally he was good at waiting – pacing was for people who liked to burn energy, like Lance – but this waiting was worse torture than he’d been through his entire life. If only there was something he could doContinue reading

Space Garden: Part 9: Ad Astra Obumbratio

[MAJOR SPOILERS FOR S6] [LIKE ALL OF IT NOT KIDDING] And I’M DONE until S7 comes out!! I hope it comes out soon, and I hope I don’t have to rewrite anything! XD And with the end of this chapter maybe an explanation for why Keith just dumped Shiro on the ground at the end of Episode 7 so he could stand up to be part of the Season Finale Group Pose™. Btw do you guys think Shiro’s eyes are actually brown now, or are they the same colour as before just they look brown compared to his new hair colour? EDIT: S7 confirmed they are still grey.

My tacky Shiro boob mousepad came in the mail today, I’m so happy. (It feels great!)

Btw I low-key ship Sheith (at least one-sided, from Keith’s side) (but I also ship Lallura) (but I also also ship Klance) (too many viable ships in this fandom)

Part 8: I’m Not Myself


Chapter 9: Ad Astra Obumbratio

“Hey, Elslince.” His voice resonated in her radio, and she smiled to hear it.

“Yes, Shiro?”

“Coran’s going to run a game, sounds like Dungeons and Dragons, and I’m playing – do you want to come join us? Hunk and Pidge are here too.” Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 8: I’m Not Myself

[SPOILERS FOR S5] Also known as Mood Whiplash: The Chapter.

The song that I was listening to was Jonathan Young’s cover of Shut Up and Dance, but it’s not specifically a Shelslince song, because first of all Elslince isn’t initiating, and second of all I use it for a whole bunch of my couples (MurShara, Quinnkuliina, HaruSAM, for instance).

The idea of Shiro being an angry boi when he was a kid is based on this tumblr post which makes him look kind of like… Akira? (I haven’t seen Akira lol)

Part 7: Deterioration


Part 8: I’m Not Myself

“Yooo, Elslince.” Lance hung by one hand in the doorway of the Garden. “You got a minute?”

“Yes, come in. What is it?”

Lance waited until the door closed behind him, and even then looked around suspiciously before he began to speak. “It’s about Shiro. He’s been… weird, lately, hasn’t he?” Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 7: Deterioration

It’s funny, because the first four parts of this fanfic would fit very well into this section of the show, the big time-skip between Shiro returning and the whole Season 4 stuff. I think they said it was like a year? That’s plenty of time for the Black Lion to be damaged in a random combat engagement and Shiro to crash-land on a little green planet and return a few months later to liberate it, that’s what they’re doing in general in S4. But I had already written it with the intention that Shiro met Elslince some time in the first two seasons, so I’m not changing it now. : P

Callback to Part 3 in the first section of this chapter. XD (I haven’t actually seen Thundercats lol.)

Part 6: Haircut


Chapter 7: Deterioration

He shut the door to their room behind him and heaved a massive sigh. “That was stupid. It’s all stupid. Why are we actually doing this.”

He felt the door open behind him and took a step forward to allow Elslince to enter, turning to face her. The smile in her starry blue eyes was bright tonight. “Shiro the Hero, hmm?” Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 6: Haircut

So yeah Shiro’s terrible haircut S3-onwards is all Elslince’s fault. XD (In the show I’m sure he did it himself, so they’re both bad at haircuts.)

(my friend has completed FFXIV2.0! Congrats, Yllamse!)

Part 5: Bereavement


Chapter 6: Haircut

He was unconscious when they pulled him from the fighter, almost unrecognizable when they pulled his helmet off. Elslince gasped when she saw: his hair had grown, flowing in straggling, tangled piles over his shoulders, over his face. Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 5: Bereavement

Oh my god, how long has it been since I wrote Voltronfic? November 2016? Holy crap. So I watched Seasons 3-6 over the last couple weeks and OH MY GOD (joins in the fandom’s incoherent screaming). And it gave me ideas for the fic, and I’ve been writing them as fast as I can. Because holy cow Shiro needs all of the love and support. All these precious babies do, really.

Since the show gets a bit more serious and painful starting Season 3, so does the fic. But there will be light sweet fluffy moments scattered around too. Enjoy!

EDIT: Added some Coran luv because he’s underappreciated. The only reason I didn’t have him in the first run was because I had no idea what to do with him…

Shelslince song for final scene is One Way Ticket.

Part 4: Solace


Part 5: Bereavement

She’d been tossed about, knocked unconscious briefly, and forced to sit near-useless on the sidelines, only able to help in monitoring power levels – when they existed – and following directions to restoring them when they didn’t. She’d done what she could, remaining calm, though her heart beat wildly for the fate of Voltron, out there, fighting Zarkon, and for Shiro, Zarkon’s personal target. Continue reading