Tag Archives: True Magic

Christmas presents!!

Here are two presents which I painted for other people! There are three more presents waiting to be given, so you won’t get to see them until next week. : D

First! For Aja of True Magic the webcomic, Gauth Schönen!

Appropriately enough, I was in the middle of my Tsubasa binge, so I decided to make him as over-the-top Japanese-y pretty bishie as I could. Which is not very much, but it’s more than usual. I also tried out a new technique – using the regular brush on partial opacity. Other people use this to great effect and I’d like to get better at it. I actually really like this picture. : ) Continue reading

Merry Christmas 2009!

Whoa! Lots of pictures today, folks! Hold on!


First, a very Merry Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate) from all of us here at the Adhemlenei. People in this picture: Marteth, Bayn, Gyoriing, Lyrestan; Mathaning, Gullac, Zela, Flaer, Yoeath; Flaria, Jalril, Flairé, Tam, Rana; Ceniro, Leslie, Jennifer, Esgalwen. Quite a number! Didn’t have room to fit in Silver, but we all know she wishes you a Merry Christmas too. Yes? Yes.

Jalril is just embarrassed at standing next to a girl. Who’s dating his brother. She thinks he’s funny. And cute. Tam is a cloooooowwwwn. X D Flairé is wearing his princely-type tunic which you haven’t seen before! It’s red. Continue reading

Bob Christmas Fanart

Those potato peelers are HAWT. I mean, the potato peeler. Ahem. Yes.

Those potato peelers are HAWT. I mean, the potato peeler. Ahem. Yes.

Next up for the ’08 Christmas New Pen Fanart Spree was Bob, of True Magic. Lookin’ good there, Robert. : D I think I like his hair better like this instead of the thick, almost bushy mop that he has in the comic right now. But whatever. He’s still cute. (Joe is cuter at the moment, though… despite the trim.)

I tried doing the outside lines in a thicker pen. …It worked. I’d do it a bit differently now.

I’m in a TRIO. It has clarinet, horn, and piano, and so far we’re doing a wierd piece that was published using the composer’s manuscript (so, messy messy – but he does put accidentals in places that I approve) and it sounds jazzy which is kind of cool but WHAT THE HECK I’M IN A TRIO GUYS. It’s been too long since I did chamber music with multiple people.



But mooooooooom...

But mooooooooom…

This is some fanart drawn for Aja and True Magic; it’s of the youthful, intelligent, and (if circumstances would allow it better) kind zomie Ted, in a random situation I just thought up. I’m very proud of this one, because it has an extensive background and shading. And a sort of a joke. I forget what Aja’s counterjoke was, but I’ll remember it sometime.