Tag Archives: Raelle

Chibi chibi





Tweaks coming tomorrow. And additions.

Can YOU name everyone here?

Line 1: Adhemlenei, Zela’s family: Zela, Flaer, Flairé, Flaria, Menad, Marteth, Bayn, Gullac, and Mathaning

Line 2: Adhemlenei, others: Gyoriing, Muila, Layalin, Kylyralessa, Lyrestan, Tam, Jalril

Line 3: Zelda OCs: Rana and Raelle

Line 4: FE OCs: Ceniro, Salir, Anne

Line 5: Other: Esgalwen (in green???), Angel, Shell, Keesh, Rinako, Konane

People in my Head

Fair lassies, one plain lass, and an extra lad

Fair lassies, one plain lass, and an extra lad

This is a picture of all the people who were living in a vivacious – er, lively-ish – fashion in my head at this time. L-R Lyra, the High Elf maiden who made Mengil into a good guy, but she looks more like Esgalwen than the girl next to her, Esgalwen. You can tell who’s who because Esgalwen has a dress with lots of pleats and she has a locket around her neck. Lakia stands next to her. Sitting are Rinako, who looks especially good here, and Salir, who you might remember is Sain’s girlfriend in my story. Up on the tree branch is a girl named Cassandra, with bright red hair and raggedy clothes from living on a deserted planet. The two Hylians are again talking, Raelle and Rana, and Raelle has her nice hair again. Ceniro wanted to be included, but my first attempt looked more like my amusing double bass player friend Anthony.

Raelle portrait

Hylian blondes are cute

Hylian blondes are cute

A half-length portrait of Raelle, finished concept sketch. Very pretty is she, I think. This fair lassie’s full name is Raelleanoranda, because her mother is insane. (like Gaila – the stereotype I singlehandedly crafted of a stout, overbearing, ‘fashionable’, social-climbing mother). Raelle herself is a nice girl, called Ella by her girl friends, Ray by her father and her boy friends, and Raelle by everyone else. She has a sister named Chrysanthemum, married to a nice guy named Peter, I think. Raelle ran away from an arranged marriage to a fat, drunk general in the Hylian army and she ran to Labrynna. You see, I thought Raven was so handsome, and his marriage was guaranteed, that I took the liberty of making up a suitable match for him. She is cheerful, able to wield a sword, and likes fishing and gardening. Blonde hair, blue eyes. I tried to make Raelle’s hair the kind of over-the-top waves like Nayru, the Oracle.