Tag Archives: dragon

The Woman With a Dragon’s Heart screenshots

Again, screenshots using for inspiration in writing this story! Just like last time, except with a dearth of Zevran… but even more Liz. And a little bit of Nate, because Nate is good-lookin’ too.

Approaching Vigil's Keep with Mhairi.

Approaching Vigil’s Keep with Mhairi. [Starfang doesn’t transfer over without a certain mod that I hadn’t installed at the time so using something else in this picture (also where is Cousland shield?)]

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Detailed head-er


Click for larger. Decided it was high time to turn the temporary header into a slightly more detailed header. I tweaked the anatomy a little bit but Esgalwen’s nose is still blurp. I mostly did this to procrastinate on the last Transistor fanart which is the most ambitious one. I may tweak this further but it’s a lot shinier than it was before.

This week I found out that front break-falls in karate have been messing up my neck so not going to do those anymore.

Pandora no Yoru


Title has nothing to do with Corpse Party, sorry CP fans. Nothing at all, only the human in the picture really likes Artery Vein. Have a listen to the song, it’s fantastic.
Hrulash: I’ve been waiting my whole life for this song, let me have it!
…yeah, he’s been like that for a few days.
Anyway, looky, looky, I painted a dragon that I can be reasonably happy with! It still needs a few tweaks – more straps on the saddle (how is Hrulash staying in his seat?) – maybe Hru should have a sword, maybe a cloak or a pack, maybe Gary could use a lot more work especially around the wings, and the sky is a bit rough.
However, I’m impatient, so here’s a pretty mostly-finished picture of Hrulash and Gary charging into… battle? Pandora no Yoru sounds pretty badass. It’s probably a battle. Continue reading

The Rifted Riders


A group picture of the Rifted Riders that I drew as a Christmas card for my fellow writers of Mintaka: Yllamse, Jenna, Gaby, and Miles.

Lavinia and Nieves the Red belong to Gaby.
Hrulash and Garekhen the Gold belong to me.
Jayce and Aeraganon the green-grey-brown-swampy-i-dun-even-know and Tiarc’rie the Mistress of Mischief belong to Yllamse.
Xanda and Nightwing the supposed-to-be-black and Midnight the mini-wyvern belong to Jenna.
Kali and Centriel the Purple belong to Miles.

A lot of hours (8? 10?) in Corel Painter 12. Making of video here! youtu.be/AV9sCEXtK5o



It’s only a slight bond, compared to the others; Hrulash is a plain, straight human, and doesn’t have the kind of intuition required to have more of a mental bond with his partner. They can sense great emotional distress from each other; extremely strong emotions make it through. But in spite of its limits, the bond is still there. And in spite of their differences of opinion and demeanour, they greatly enjoy spending time together. Like here.

Thou Fiend


Hrulash and Garekhen facing down some bad guy. Attempted to draw a saddle; did not go so well yet. Oh well. It’s a start. Hrulash is weilding Grandpa’s Lance, which I described recently thus: “Red steel in a teardrop shape for the head, with wings just below it, and a long black haft… And a staticky feeling around it that told him it was enchanted somehow.” I wonder who made it, and why? I think the dwarves must have made it, which means we won’t find out about it until Book 3.

Friends Part 3


Continued from Part 1 and Part 2

No, Hrulash doesn’t get a break for now. But he doesn’t mind this way so much ifyouknowwhatimean. I think this would need toning down if it were part of the main story… It’s too developed. But it’s not part of the main story, so nyah.

Also this was scanned after I installed the proper software to scan things on my new computer, and… eh, it’s not very good quality. I will have to tweak a few things next time. Continue reading

Hrulash and Garekhen

Quickie picture of Hrulash and his dragon buddy Garekhen for the Wayrift Dragonrider contest.

In the Adhemlenei, Hrulash is Tseo’s buddy, and the second-in-command of the Royal Guard; he is not that great at combat, actually, but he is the best knight for paperwork ever. But he is rather uptight and impatient, exceedingly serious, demanding of his underlings, and possessed of a good enough tactical skill that people can’t say he only got his position by being friends with Tseo. Garekhen, the dragon, is also quite serious and focused on doing things the right way, but finds an enormous simple pleasure in flying with his friend.

I kinda slopped this together in a couple hours. That’s why the anatomy is a complete fail, even though I did  try, at least with Hrulash… A few things: Garekhen has lion-like paws and no back-spikes. So with the horns and the lack of fins, he looks quite different from Hoarwilk, the other golden dragon we’ve met so far.

Hrulash’s name means Riverwave, and Garekhen is a dragon-name so the kalmaei don’t know what it means.