Tag Archives: Adhemlenei


Was taking a quick look at my draft for Book 1 of the Adhemlenei novels, and got the idea to do a quick picture of the Lilahcol, Flaer’s home city. This is the view from the southeast. I may have to adjust the world map, because on the world map that bend in the river is like 200 miles away or something. (I’m bad with distances.) Here it’s about 30 km, max. I think. Anyway, this is the capital city of the Lilemlen of the Adhemlenei, the Land of the Moon of the Four Kingdoms, and its surrounding villages and farmlands. Roughly.

Also I just realized that the main road actually enters the city via the other side of the city; this road is only the ‘back gate’ so to speak. It’s still a main gate, but the MAIN main gate is the other side and most of the roads go there. : P

Goo’ night.

Old Website Header/Background

Hi! These are the old header and background for Adhemlenei.com. By the time you see this, it should look quite different. Unless you were sneaking around early. <_<  >_> But I’m rather happy with how these turned out, so you can enjoy them too!

I thought I’d posted these before, but I guess I didn’t… Or the old header from aviart/elfinesse.html. Oh well. It’s not like it matters, anyway.

Kalmaeirin Currency

As I write this it is skin-meltingly hot out… but Flairé was unusually talkative today and gave me the outline of the history of the kalmaeirin currency system(s), so I thought I should get it down before I forgot it or it got garbled by something. <_<  >_>

This does not include a discussion of the credit system they used, or the age jewel gifting traditions that existed in some parts of the kingdoms, or of the economic system itself. This is only a summary of how they started using currency.

As soon as the kalmaei were ‘civilized’ enough to start producing ‘goods’, they needed a way to exchange them. At first this was done by barter (“I’ll give you baked goods for three weeks if you give me those boots…”). This was pretty obviously impractical; they made do for a while with extremely complicated agreements (“I want some of your fish, but you don’t need my fishhooks, but that guy over there does, and he’ll give you a couple of oars, which you do want…” etc.) but in the end they decided something had to change. Continue reading

Summary of the Novel

Okay. Here’s a serious summary of the novel to go on the back cover, possibly. It’s only a first draft, like the book itself. Which title should I use? End of Nations sums up the physical plot, while Sword’s Innocence sums up the emotional/symbolic plot/theme.


 Adhemlenei: End of Nations/Sword’s Innocence

       In an ancient land called the Adhemlenei, The Four Kingdoms, where
unicorns, dragons, and griffons live with elves in peace and beauty, unrest is
brewing. Death and war, so foreign at first to these people, are forced upon
them as insanity creeps into the lands. In the midst of the strife, elf Prince
Flaer, his wife Zela, and his eldest son Flairé must choose between truth and
peace as they struggle to restore reason to the land.


Cheesy, huh? : D

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé



Well, this is the beginning of an exciting new endeavour! I’m going to try my hand at a weekly webcomic. The script is done, and I have a buffer of six weeks. This comic is only 36 pages long, counting the cover, but that’s most of a year so I think I’m good for now. And I can always think of new adventures later. There’s at least one more episode in concept form, with a bunch of new characters. But that’s waaaaaaaay in the future. Right now, enjoy! First page will be up next week. Huzzah!

For those of you who are new: Welcome! This is the first page of a webcomic that will be updating on Sundays (hopefully at 12:00 noon Pacific time), starring my original character Flairé in his original homeland the Adhemlenei, and my best friend Leslie. And some other completely insane nutcase who by all rights shouldn’t even be allowed to exist there. ; ) And yes, the adventures are non-canon so they have no real bearing on the story that should be written about Flairé, his mother, and the darkening world around them… written sometime in the next decade or three. Yep. Again, welcome, and good luck!

Yesterday there was lots of D&D-ing. It was great fun, although Illinia didn’t talk much, as usual. She needs to talk more. I think the setting is confusing her. Her player coloured the above picture and drew a hot picture of Torrigan (the Paladin of Pelor in our party) on her script. But it was tons of fun. And then we all went for dinner at Shabu Shabu at about 8:00 and got completely stuffed. Yum.

Next time I will totally play Flairé. : D