Hrulash, Tseo, Tseo, and Hrulash

People who’ve been following the Rifted Riders RP on the Wayrift forums will quickly figure out what’s going on here… What is going on here is that the Baronian versions of Hrulash and Tseo (on the left) have met the Adhemlenei versions of themselves on the right, and are either chagrined, mirthful, friendly, or disdainful, as the case may be.

I thought it was a cute idea.

Oh, about the Rifted Riders? Basically, Tseo and Hrulash are young dragon-knights-in-training. Tseo’s a little ahead of Hrulash (and they have their respective partners, still, Hoarwilk and Garekhen). Hrulash is a straight-laced patronizing cranky un-self-confident kid who thinks he just got into the Dragon Knights because of Tseo and Garekhen (yeah, being friends with a dragon would help A LOT, ya think?) and as a result is desperately searching for a way to prove that he’s a good knight, not just a pencil-pusher with a dragon. He and Garry are my mains. Garry’s just a jolly ol’ dragon who wants to see his partner unbend a little. Tseo and Hoarwilk are my NPCs.

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