Chapter 20: Last Hope

Chapter 19: Two Faces of Evil     Chapter 21: Darkling Woods


Chapter 20: Last Hope

We travelled the rest of the way to Rausten Court. Many of us, including me, sat despondant and dispairing at the welcome feast and the socializing after. I was extremely grateful when L’Arachel suggested to her uncle that we retire to bed early.

In her room, I tried to discuss Lyon again, but found no more or new hope.

At about ten, I was rested after about three hours of sleep. I got up, dressed, and went down to the throne room. Ephraim, Seth, L’Arachel, and the Frelians were there as well. Ephraim nodded to me as I came in.

“Hello, Sister. Did you sleep?” I nodded. “We were just talking about what to do next…”

A platoon of soldiers rushed in the double doors of the throne room. “Pontifex! There is an enemy at the gates! The outermost guards have been slaughtered!”

“What?” barked Pontifex Mansel, L’Arachel’s uncle and ruler of Rausten. “How could that be?”

“We need reinforcements, milord!”

“We’ll take care of it,” Ephraim announced. “I bet it’s the De- Lyon’s army remnants following us. Seth, go wake up some more troops.”

“Yes, sir.” Seth left at a run.

“And don’t forget the horses!” Ephraim yelled after him. My brother turned back to the soldiers, who were standing at trembling attention. “Okay, people, let’s go get them. Got your rapier, Eirika? Good.”

Seth, Altha, Lila, and Aureola arrived. So did Rennac, yawning mightily, but proceeded to tell us where the enemies were. Ephraim sent Franz, Amelia, and Saleh with a torch stave down the back passages to make sure no one was sneaking in the back of the palace.

At the front gate, we were met by a bishop who looked more like a revenant. Seth and Tana attacked him, and forced him to withdraw, wounded. The battle was brief, the enemy soldiers desperate but weak, and very uncunning in their strategy. Those of us fighting had no difficult time of it. I do not think there was even one close call.

Gathered again in the throne room, L’Arachel spoke to her uncle. “Uncle, I’d like permission to check on the Sacred Stone. Also, we will have to take it with us to defeat the Demon King.”

“Yes, yes, my dear… certainly. Don’t forget your rest.”

“Yes, Uncle!” The princess led us down a corridor, through a garden, and up and down stairs until we reached a locked door. L’Arachel unlocked it and disarmed some enchantments. Then, we were in the room.

It was unlit except for the pale glow from the shining transparent stone, but I could see stars through windows above. L’Arachel picked up the stone. “Ah, the last Sacred Stone. Its holy light matches my complexion well, don’t you think?” Innes snorted softly. “Well, now that we know it’s safe, we can go to bed.” I was so relieved, but my heart was anxious – the Demon King would do anything to destroy this. It was coming to a head, and the balance was tightening.

The next morning, we checked with everyone to make sure they wanted to come. As we were departing, Pontifex Mansel presented us with the Staff of Latona and the light magic book Ivaldi. He bade us all a fond farewell. I returned it gratefully.


Chapter 19: Two Faces of Evil     Chapter 21: Darkling Woods

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