Timeless Ocarina: Chapter 9: When is a Hero?

Chapter 8: The Door of Time     Chapter 10: Horse


Chapter 9: When is a Hero?

Link opened his eyes. He felt heavy. His gaze swirled around woozily, coming to rest on a large man on a golden platform.
Only then did Link take in his surroundings and realize that he himself was on a grey platform, surrounded by a small island of water, an isolated floating point in a vast darkness. Light and beautiful patterned waterfalls came from shadows above and fell to blackness below.
Directly in front of him stood the rather stout man; a man with rich red and gold robes and white hair and beard.
“Greetings, Hero of Time.”
Link, still partly asleep, blinked before he realized the man was speaking to him.
“I am Rauru, the Sage of Light.”
“Where are we?” asked Navi.
‘Thank goodness’, thought Link, ‘she’s still with me.’
“We are in the Temple of Light, in the Sacred Realm.”
Rauru’s even voice took on a gentle tone. “Link, look at yourself.”
Link looked, and started. His boots were longer, and he had fingerless leather gloves on his hands; under his larger green tunic he was wearing a white sweater and leggings. But it was the length and strength of his limbs that interested him the most. His Hylian shield felt usable now, and his heaviness vanished as he shifted his feet. Navi flew in excited circles around his head. He looked at his reflection in the water and blinked. His own face was no longer recognizable to himself; a strange, handsome blonde man stared back at him. His eyes, though, were the same brilliant blue that he saw every time he had stared into his mirror, in his house in Kokiri Forest, for clarification of his puzzled life.
“Link!” cried Navi. “You’re all grown up!”
“Well, seven years ought to do it,” Rauru told him rather facetiously.
“I’m nineteen now,” said Link wonderingly. He started at the sound of his voice. It had deepened into a rich tenor. “Is that it? I have grown seven years? Why? Haven’t we lost time against Ganondorf?”
“You… when you pulled the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time, you were too young, too small to wield it as the Hero.”
Link smiled at his reflection. “Seven years ago, I might have argued that, but now I agree with you.” He straightened up again to hear Rauru.
“Your spirit was passed to this time in order to more directly challenge the King of Evil. If you succeed in breaking the curse over all of Hyrule-“
“By which he means that if we kill Ganondorf –“ interrupted Navi.
“-then your past life during those seven years will be unchanged.”
“And if I fail?” asked Link softly.
“You will not,” thundered Rauru. “You are the Hero, wielding the Blade of Legend.” His voice deepened and softened. “However, if such a thing does come to pass, you will disappear at the moment you drew the sword.” He cleared his throat. “But now, to business. When you break the curse, you will travel back seven years, to do whatever you have been doing. I beg your pardon. For me, it is past. For you, it is future.”
“I understand the challenge and I accept it.”
“Me too!” cried Navi.
“Very good. You know your ultimate goal. But, before that, you must go throughout Hyrule and awaken the Sages. There are Seven Sages. I am one. One is hidden, and I do not know who it is. The other five sleep as ordinary people, waiting for you to come.”
“And when you leave this place, hidden in the Sacred Realm,” warned the Sage of Light, “do not be shocked by what you see of Hyrule. My power has weakened; it is now confined to this chamber. It is as the saying is… ‘Together we are strong. Separated, we are broken.’”
“For now, take my power with you, such as it is. Add it to yours.” A medallion floated down from somewhere high in the darkness. It was golden, and shining with an inner light.
“The Medallion of Light,” said Rauru, as Link reached up and plucked it out of the air. “It has my power in it. Perhaps it will not help you much as yet. You must waken the other Sages, and we will help you enter Ganondorf’s castle.”
“I understand,” Link acknowledged. He saluted the Sage as a blue warp crystal formed around him. The world greyed out…

Link found himself standing on the Pedestal of Time, exactly where he had been what seemed like fifteen minutes ago. He swung his arms, looking at them curiously. He felt rested and completely ready to take on anything with his new strength.
“I wonder what Rana would say if she knew. Maybe she’ll come running in the way she said she would… I wonder if it’s Sunday.”
“She’ll probably say… well, I say you must have been working out those seven years. I wonder if she looks the same.”
“Of course she does. Only, she’ll be taller.” Link imagined the round face of his carefree, laughing friend, green eyes flashing and brown hair swirling… and tripping… He sat down on the Pedestal of Time to ponder his first move. He could go to Kokiri Forest and see Saria and Rana, or he could drop in on Malon, or see how the Gorons were doing, or talk to Shoza… He had a lot of choices.
Navi interrupted his thoughts. “I wonder how things look outside? Rauru didn’t sound too optimistic. I think you’re needed right away, Hero.”
“But,” Navi said, stopping him as he was getting ready to move, “don’t wear yourself out trying to save the whole world in one day.” He nodded.
Link got up and strode towards the entrance. Halfway to the Door of Time, he stopped, getting a prickle on the back of his neck. He drew the Master Sword and his shield in one swift, fluid motion, and turned.
Beside the Pedestal was standing a tall and slender young man, clad in tight fitting blue cloth emblazoned with the Eye of Truth, an ancient symbol, and with his head swathed in loose grey bandages. Blonde hair spilled out of his cap. His silent coming and ready stance seemed either ominous or magical to Link, depending on whether this stranger was a friend or enemy.
“Greetings, Hero of Time,” said the stranger. His voice was light and high-pitched. Link wondered if everyone was going to say ‘good morning’ in the same way to him.
“I have been waiting for you. I am Sheik, the last of the Sheikah… I have come to help you on your journey. You should first go to the forest.”
“Good, I think we were going to go there anyway,” said Navi.
“Before you can go there, however, you must go to Kakariko to obtain an item that will allow you to enter the Forest Temple.”
“Enter the Forest Temple!” Link exclaimed. “That’s not possible! The stairs are broken!”
“Impossible for some… not for others. I for one, have been inside. For a small way.” He turned slightly away. “I will see you there, I think. Hurry.” He took a step backward.
“Please, wait for a moment, Sheik,” begged Link. “Can you tell me if my friends are all right? Saria, Rana, Shoza…”
“I am sorry,” answered Sheik. “I have seen Saria recently, and Shoza the Zora is coping with life, but I have not heard of your other friend for at least three years. Then she was in the forest, but I know she is not there now.” He took a step backwards. “Do not expect me except when you see me. I will help you as I may. Farewell.” Light flashed, and Sheik was gone.
Link sighed to himself and walked out of the Temple. His mind was fully occupied with the day’s startling events, and apprehension over both men’s half-hidden warnings. He was not feeling quite as good as he had been. When he stepped out of the door, he felt even worse.


Chapter 8: The Door of Time     Chapter 10: Horse

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